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level: Level 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 4

to be separated離れる (はなれる)
to discuss話し合う (はなしあう)
to start a conversation話しかける (はなしかける)
to separate, to part離す (はなす)
to release, to let go放す (はなす)
bunch of flowers, bouquet​花束 (はなたば)
florist, flower shop​花屋 (はなや)
feather, down羽 (はね)
sales, selling販売 (はんばい)
judgement, decision判断 (はんだん)
range, scope, extent範囲 (はんい)
opposition, resistance反抗 (はんこう)
offender, criminal犯人 (はんにん)
half year​半年 (はんとし)
crime, offense犯罪 (はんざい)
announcement発表 (はっぴょう)
abdomen, stomach腹 (はら)
field, plain原 (はら)
needle, pin針 (はり)
scissors鋏 (はさみ)
bankruptcy破産 (はさん)
end, edge端 (はし)
departure of a vehicle発車 (はっしゃ)
outbreak, occurrence発生 (はっせい)
flag旗 (はた)
field畑 (はたけ)
work, labor働き (はたらき)
development, growth発達 (はったつ)
development, growth (2)発展 (はってん)
sale, launch (product)​発売 (はつばい)
invention発明 (はつめい)
ahead of time早めに (はやめに)
to undo, to remove外す (はずす)
wall, fence塀 (へい)
square metre平方メートル (へいほうめーとる)
weekday, ordinary days平日 (へいじつ)
average, mean平均 (へいきん)
peace, harmony平和 (へいわ)
change, alteration変化 (へんか)
change, modification変更 (へんこう)
return of something, repayment​返却 (へんきゃく)
to abate, to decrease減らす (へらす)
to decrease, to diminish減る (へる)
cost, expense​費 (ひ)
to grow cold, to get chilly冷える (ひえる)
(suffering) damage, harm被害 (ひがい)
tragedy悲劇 (ひげき)
criticism, judgement批判 (ひはん)
criticism, review批評 (ひひょう)
emergency, extraordinary非常 (ひじょう)
comparison比較 (ひかく)
to undertake, to accept引き受ける (ひきうける)
aviation, flight飛行 (ひこう)
to run over (with a vehicle)轢く (ひく)
secret, secrecy秘密 (ひみつ)
string, cord紐 (ひも)
to pull, to draw引っ張る (ひっぱる)
to spread out, to extend広がる (ひろがる)
nap (afternoon), siesta​昼寝 (ひるね)
frantic, desperate必死 (ひっし)
forehead, brow額 (ひたい)
negation, denial否定 (ひてい)
people, men and women人々 (ひとびと)
crowd of people人込み (ひとごみ)
single word, a few words一言 (ひとこと)
living by oneself, living alone​一人暮らし (ひとりぐらし)
equal等しい (ひとしい)
cost, expense費用 (ひよう)
knee, lap膝 (ひざ)
date日付 (ひずけ)
almost, roughly略 (ほぼ)
footpath, walkway歩道 (ほどう)
to bark, to howl吠える (ほえる)
to smile微笑む (ほほえむ)
pride, boast誇り (ほこり)
dust埃 (ほこり)
pedestrian, walker​歩行者 (ほこうしゃ)
bone骨 (ほね)
seriousness, earnestness, truth本気 (ほんき)
genuine article, the real deal本物 (ほんもの)
the person themselves, said person本人 (ほんにん)
flame, blaze炎 (ほのお)
bookstore, bookshop​本屋 (ほんや)
cheek (of face)頬 (ほお)
to dig, to excavate掘る (ほる)
guarantee, security保証 (ほしょう)
to dry, to drink up干す (ほす)
with a feeling of reliefほっと
preservation, conservation保存 (ほぞん)
direction, way, side方 (ほう)
law, act, principle法 (ほう)
to one’s heart’s content, (doing) as one pleases放題 (ほうだい)
abundance, wealth豊富 (ほうふ)
method, way, manner方法 (ほうほう)
report, information報告 (ほうこく)
direction, way方向 (ほうこう)
call, visit訪問 (ほうもん)
gem, jewel宝石 (ほうせき)
broadcast, broadcasting放送 (ほうそう)
table, chart, list表 (ひょう)