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level: Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 2

aspectсторона = part or feature
breedразмножаться= to reproduce
diurnalactive during the day
endureтерпеть= to live under difficult conditions
evolveразвиваться = to develop gradually
fascinateочаровывать = to interest greatly
featподвиг = difficult act or achievement
to fuelзапасаться топливом =to provide energy
hemisphereone half of the Earth; also, one half of a sphere
imperativeкрайне необходимый = priority ; an urgent need;
inhabitобитать = to live in
migrationmovement one place to another
navigationfinding the way from one place to another
nocturnalactive at night
observerнаблюдатель= a person who watches something
obscureзатемнять = to make difficult to see
optimalbest, most favorable;
speciestype; a basic group in biological classification
strayto leave the correct route; become separated from the group
windsweptunprotected from the wind