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level: Drugs

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level questions: Drugs

ProgeriaMutation in Lamin A
Colchicine-Prevents Mitotic Spindle (Microtubule) Polymerization. -Fights Infection -Anti Cancer compound
Vinka Alkaloids-Anticancer Compounds -Vinblastine/Vincristine -Prevents Microtubule Assembly (Polymerization)
TaxolPrevents Microtubule Disassembly (depolymerization)
Amanita Phalloidin-Binds F-ACTIN more tightly -Promotes EXCESSIVE Polymerization -Inhibits Depolarization
Cytohalasins-Blocks Polymerization of ACTIN -Inhibit cell movement, division, and induce programmed cell death
Polycistic Kidney DiseaseAssociated w/ Primary cilia Mechanoreceptors
Azidothymidine (AZT)-Lack free 3' OH -High affinity for reverse transcriptase enzyme & inhibits their activity. -Incorporated into DNA chain via reverse transcriptase -Termination occurs -HIV -Decrease mother transmission to baby
Didanosine (DDI)-Viral reverse transcriptase incorporates it -Termination of viral replication -High affinity for reverse transcriptase -Low affinity for DNA Pol I -HIV
Acyclovir-Converted into a monophosphate acyclovir via Viral Kinase -Lacks 3' OH -Stops DNA chain ELONGATION (Replication) -Only activated in infected cells -Herpes -Varicella Zoster
Tenofovir (NucleoTide)-Potent Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor -No free 3' OH -Initially activated by Host kinase -Steric hindrance of next dNTP -Terminates chain ELONGATIOn -HIV
Cytosine Arabinoside-Steric hindrance has OH on 3' & 2' -Inhibits DNA Pol -Ends ELONGATION -Anti Cancer -Acute Myeloid Leukemia & Lymphoma
Adenine Arabinoside-Inhibits DNA Pol -Steric hindrance has OH on 3' & 2'
Decitabine-Hypomethylation --> Incorporated into DNA/RNA -Blocks methylation -Stops methyltransferase enzyme -INCREASE Transcription
5-azacytidine-Hypomethylation -Disrupts Methylation -INCREASE Transcription
5-Fluorouracil-Converted to fdUMP which inhibits Thymidylate Kinase -Inhibits synthesis of Thymidine NucleoTides -Anti-Cancer agent
Azathioprine-Metabolized to 6-Mercaptopurine -Supresses rejection during organ transplantation
Allopurinol-Inhibits Xanthine Oxidase -Treatment for Gout
Adenosine (Adenocard)- Used to treat Supraventricular Tachycardia -Slows heart rate -Plays role in sleep regulation
Ciprofloxacin-Inhibits DNA Gyrase (Prokaryotes) -Quinolone drug -Treat respiratory & UTI -Anthrax
CaptOthecin-Anticancer drug -Inhibits Topoisomerase I
EtOpOside-Inhibits Topoisomerase II
Actinomycin D-(dactinomycin) -Intercalates between adjacent guanine-cytosine bases -Inhibits RNA Pol in BOTH prokaryotes & eukaryotes -No DNA separation -Inhibits Replication/Transcription -Anticancer drug
Rifampin-Inhibits Transcription INITIATION -Prokaryotes only -Blocks formation of Phosphodiester bind by bind to prokaryote RNA -Treat Tuberculosis
Alpha-Amanitin-Death Cap Mushroom -Inhibitor of RNA Pol II -Blocks Transcription (Eukaryotes)
Phalloidin-Not absorbed by GI Tract -Does not contribute to toxicity by oral intkae
Diptheria Toxin-Inactivation of EF-2 by ADP-Ribosylation -Prevents translocation & protein synthesis
Steptomycin-Antibiotic Inhibition of INITIATION -Prevents assembly of Ribosome -Binds to 30s Subunit (Prokaryotes)
Tetracycline-Block ELONGATION -Prevents aminoacyl-tRNA access to A-site
Erythromyesin(Macrolide) -Bindss to the 50s subunit of the complete 70S ribosome (Prokaryote) -Blocks TRANSLOCATION -Inhibit ELONGATION
ChloramPhenicol-Inhibits peptidyl transferase activity in PROKARYOTES -May inhibit Mitochondrial Translation -Inhibit ELONGATION
CycloheximidE-Inhibits EUKARYOTE peptidyl transferase activity -Inhibit ELONGATION
Puromycin-Inhibit ELONGATION -Causes premature termination of translation in BOTH prokaryotes & eukaryotes
DFPDi-isoproyl Fluorophosphate -IRREVERSIBLE Inhibitor of Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) -Nerve Poison -Accumulation of Acetylcholine -Blocks specific serine residue that normally forms a COVALENT bond w/ the acetyl group during catalysis
AspirinAcetyl Salicylic Acid -IRREVERSIBLE Inhibitor of Cyclooxygenase (COX) -Inhibits Prostaglandins --> DECREASE blood clotting -Inhibits Thromboxane --> INCREASE blood clotting
CaffeineInhibit Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase and prolong effects of cAMP
TheophyllineInhibit Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase and prolong effects of cAMP