Shame, Pity (That's a shame, That's a pity) | Schade |
the compassion (lit), the pity | das Mitlied |
the sympathy | das Mitgefühl |
void, null (ie not valid) | nichtig |
invalid | ungültig |
the drought | die Dürre |
the auditorium | der Hörsaal, (die Aula) |
the report | der Bericht |
to report (ex. on the news) | berichten |
to decide (for oneself. Ex. I can't decide if I like chocolate) | sich entschließen |
the wisdom | die Weisheit |
to cancel (a TV show), to deduct/set off (from the bill) | absetzen |
to cancel (a treaty) | kündigen |
to cancel (a booking or reservation) | stornieren |
to cancel (an appointment) | absagen |
to pack (a suitcase), to seize, grip/grab/clutch (ex. packing heat) | packen |
the spelling | die Rechtschreibung |
to pose, to act (ex. deaf), to pretend (ex. to be sick), to play (ex. dumb) | sich stellen |
spectacular | spektakulär |
breathtaking, stunning | atemberaubend |
to humiliate | demütigen |
to embarrass (sb) | beschämen |
to suffer | leiden |
to create (sth inanimate like drawings or buildings) | erstellen |
to create (in general, ex. jobs) | erschaffen, (schaffen) |
the identification, the ID, the ID card | der Ausweis |
Calm down!, Relax! | Beruhige dich! |
the contact information, the contact data | die Kontaktdaten |
the personal information | die persönliche Angaben |
to snatch, to snap | schnappen |
the area, the territory (on a map) | das Gebiet |
the area (ie field of study), the section (of a building or area) | der Bereich |
the area (ex. the area of a circle) | die Fläche |
the region (ie part of territory) | die Gegend, die Region |
to arise, to emerge (ie answers the question: Where does _____ come from?) | entstehen |
to sew, to stitch | nähen |
the investigator | der Ermittler |
the researcher | der Forscher |
economical, thrifty, frugal | sparsam |
tough (competition or behavior) | hart |
tender (personality) | zärtlich |
loving | liebevoll |
final (adj) | endgültig |
the gift | das Geschenk, (die Gabe) |
to depart (on a trip) | abreisen |
the payment | die Zahlung, (die Bezahlung) |
the food stall, the concession stand | der Imbissstand |
the ankle | der Knöchel, der Fußknöchel |
originally, original | ursprünglich |
the present (time), the here and now, today | die Gegenwart |
to stage, to orchestrate, to direct | inszenieren |
the reduction (that is NOT financial) | die Reduktion, die Verringerung |
the deoderant | das Deodorant, das Deo |
to lack (ie to not have enough) | mangeln |
to lack (ie to be missing altogether) | fehlen |
law and order | Recht und Ordnung |
the freezer | die Tiefkühltruhe, die Gefriertruhe |
the flashcard | die Karteikarte |
to wave (bye bye), to beckon (a waiter) | winken |
the late night convenience store | der Spätkauf |
ridiculous | lächerlich, (albern) |
absolute, absolutely | unbedingt, absolut |
to rewind (a videotape or streaming movie) | zurückspulen |
to fast forward (a movie) | vorspulen |
to hurry, to rush | eilen, sich beeilen, hetzen |
to imply, to insinuate, to hint | andeuten |
to document (sth) | dokumentieren |
to sleep in, to sleep late | ausschlafen |
to oversleep | verschlafen |
to destroy | zerstören |
to dismantle | abbauen, demontieren |
to annihilate | vernichten |
to have to do with, to deal with (ex. other people), to handle (ex. kids/dogs), to be (lit. to go about), to come to/is about | umgehen (trennbar) |
to treat (medically), to cover (as a news story) | behandeln |
to deal with (ex. crisis), to cope with (ex. problems) | bewältigen |
a pile of money, a huge chunk of change | ein Haufen Geld |
giant (adjective) | riesig |
forward | vorwärts, nach vorn |
the frustration | der Frust (ugs), die Frustration |
single digit (ex. temperatures)(adjective) | einstellig |
double digit (ex. gains in the economy) | zweistellig |
to spark (lit. and fig., ex. a conversation, a fire) | entfachen |
to harass, to molest, to accost | belästigen |
disgusting | ekelig (ugs), ekelhaft |
sick (ie nauseous, queasy) | übel |
to tie (ex. shoe, game) | binden |
to tie (socially...ex. to make new contacts), to attach (ie to tie sth to a contract) | knüpfen |
the landmark | das Wahrzeichen |
to move (in general...movement, motion) | bewegen |
to move (ie to change residences) | umziehen |
to reschedule, to move (an event either back or forwards) | verlegen |
the tax advisor, the accountant | der Steuerberater |
to oppose (an action...ex. I'm against leaving now) | dagegen sein |
to oppose (something...2 words!...ex. I'm against the death penalty) | gegen sein |
the pill | die Tablette, die Pille |
to achieve (ie to reach...ex. a goal) | erreichen, (erzielen, leisten) |
the rubber (material) | der Gummi, das Gummi |
the inventor | der Erfinder |
to be pleasing | gefallen |
the broker, the realtor | der Makler |