the dentist | der Zahnarzt |
to pretend | vortäuschen, (vorgeben) |
to exhibit (art show, gallery), (to show, to display, to issue (a critique)) | ausstellen |
the questionnaire | der Fragebogen |
the sheet (of paper) | das Blatt, (der Bogen) |
the prayer | das Gebet |
regrettable, unfortunate | bedauerlich |
the lap (on a track), the round (ex. in a boxing match), the bout (ex. of negotiations) | die Runde |
the bike rider, the cyclist | der Radler |
the disaster | die Katastrophe, das Unglück, der Supergau (ugs) |
the festival | das Festival, das Fest, die Festspiele (pl) |
to blow (ex. a bubble, a trumpet, NOT by the wind) | blasen |
to blow (ex. the wind) | wehen |
firm, firmly, solid, tight, fixed | fest |
to promise | versprechen |
to pledge (money or aid) | zusagen |
to swear (an oath or allegiance) | schwören |
the average (noun) | der Durchschnitt, (der Mittelwert) |
to be friends (2 words in German) | befreundet sein |
to point (a weapon at sb) | richten |
to point (a finger) | zeigen |
to POINT OUT, to identify | hinweisen |
to indicate (as a matter of reasoning. Ex. Everything indicates your involvement) | hindeuten |
to display | anzeigen |
overweight | übergewichtig |
obese (even heavier than übergewichtig) | fettleibig |
to announce (at the airport, on the radio, etc) | ansagen |
the cost (plural in German) | die Kosten (sing auf Englisch) |
the expense | die Kosten, (die Ausgabe) |
dirty | schmutzig, (dreckig (ugs), verschmutzt) |
wide awake | hellwach |
the suit (that a man wears) | der Anzug |
the heart attack | der Herzinfarkt |
confident, (sanguine) | zuversichtlich |
self-confident | selbstsicher, selbstbewusst |
on the internet | Im Internet |
the success story | die Erfolgsgeschichte |
the short message service (i.e. Twitter) | der Kurzbotschaftsdienst |
by mail, by post | auf dem Postweg |
the dilemma, the quandary | das Dilemma, die Zwickmühle |
to convey (information that is not vague), (to relay, to deliver, to transmit)(Hint: starts with ü) | übermitteln |
to convey (an impression, idea, feeling, or other vague information) | vermitteln |
to lean (a ladder against a wall, a bike against a building), to leave ajar | anlehnen |
to decrease (ie to become smaller), to lose (weight) | abnehmen |
to slim down | abspecken (ugs) |
again and again, over and over, repeatedly | immer wieder |
to assault, (to raid) | überfallen |
to turn around | herumdrehen, kehrtmachen, sich umdrehen |
to support (sth figuratively) | unterstützen, sich einsetzen, (befürworten) |
to vacate, to evacuate, to clear (an area) | räumen |
the verdict, the judgment | das Urteil |
to defeat | besiegen |
to conquer | erobern |
to subdue | bezwingen |
to stand out (i.e. to be conspicuous) | auffallen |
to prevent (sth, NOT averting it. Ex. I prevented a concussion by wearing a helmet), to inhibit (sth from happening) | verhindern, (unterbinden) |
to prevent (getting pregnant) | verhüten |
to punish | bestrafen, (strafen, ahnden) |
reasonable | vernünftig, (zumutbar) |
smoothly (ex. Everything went smoothly) | problemlos, reibungslos |
to fool (sb) | täuschen, hereinlegen (ugs), reinlegen (ugs) |
to perform (on a stage) | aufführen |
dull, boring | langweilig, (öd (ugs), öde) |
to perform well, to do well, to come off well | gut abschneiden |
the documentary (film) | der Dokumentarfilm, die Doku |
the brick | der Ziegelstein, der Backstein, (der Ziegel) |
the hallway, the hall, the corridor | der Flur |
to emphasize | betonen |
the gap | die Lücke |
to collect (money, rent, bribes) | kassieren |
the treatment (medical or otherwise) | die Behandlung |
the broom | der Besen |
the dustpan | die Kehrschaufel |
the radio | das Radio |
the cousin | der Cousin, die Cousine, (der Vetter, die Vetterin) |
to research | erforschen, (forschen) |
amazing | erstaunlich |
another, other | andere |
the resident (in an apartment) | der Bewohner |
the resident (in a house) | der Anwohner |
to hinder | hindern |
the earthquake | das Erdbeben, das Beben |
the tropical storm | der Tropensturm |
the east coast | die Ostküste |
the west coast | die Westküste |
to queue, to stand in line | anstehen, Schlange stehen, in der Schlange stehen, sich anstellen |
to itch | jucken |
to attract (in a positive way or neutral way, ie no catch) | anziehen |
the cardboard box | der Pappkarton, (der Karton) |
the pool (that you swim in) | das Schwimmbecken, (das Becken) |
to accelerate, to expedite | beschleunigen |
the handle | der Griff, (der Handgriff) |
the door knob | der Türknauf |
the door handle | der Türgriff, (die Türklinke) |
the search engine | die Suchmaschine |
air conditioned | klimatisiert |
to apologize | sich entschuldigen |
to excuse | entschuldigen |
the enjoyment (to your intellect) | das Vergnügen |
the obstacle | das Hindernis |