the enjoyment (to your senses) | der Genuss |
to apply (for approval...ex. for a vaccine) | beantragen |
to call upon (sb to do sth...ex. to stay at home during dangerous weather, the authorities to respond with reinforcements) | auffordern |
to call (on the phone) | anrufen |
to come through (for sb) | sich einsetzen |
the yeast | die Hefe |
to benefit, (to profit) | profitieren |
the attention | die Aufmerksamkeit, (die Achtung) |
sad | traurig |
bad, not good | schlecht |
bad (with dire consequences...ex. a bad wound), seriously bad | schlimm |
not at all (ex. I am not at all happy...2 words in German) | gar nicht |
upset (ie angry) | verärgert |
furious, irate | wütend |
Which (ie as the subject of a sentence) | welcher, welche, welches |
lousy | mies (ugs), (lausig) |
the end (ex. of an object or physical process) | das Ende |
the conclusion (ie the end...the conclusion of the meeting, performance, or process) | der Schluss |
the graduation, the degree, the finish, the closing | der Abschluss |
to voice (ie. to express), to utter | äußern |
to express (an opinion) | ausdrücken |
the joint (ex. ankle, wrist, elbow, knee....joint pain) | das Gelenk |
frozen | gefroren (adj) |
the heat thunderstorm | das Hitzegewitter |
to surprise | überraschen |
to speed (in traffic) | rasen, bretteln, (rasch fahren) |
to heat | heizen |
to warm, to warm up | erwärmen |
to catch a cold | sich erkälten |
to discuss | besprechen |
to argue | streiten, argumentieren, (erörtern) |
former | ehemalig |
one-time (ie former...ex. He was the one-time prime minister) | einstig |
to live through | erleben |
to experience | erfahren |
to rear (children), to raise (children), to nurse, to educate (children) | großziehen |
to govern (ex. a country) | regieren |
secret (adj), clandestine | geheim, (heimlich) |
the most (ex. I like that one the most) | am meisten |
the best (ex. I like that one the best) | am besten |
Most people (subject of a sentence) | Die meisten Leute, Die meisten Menschen |
two months ago | vor zwei Monate |
for three months (ex. I've been playing for three months) | seit drei Monate |
almost | fast |
nearly | beinahe |
to convince | überzeugen |
the law | das Gesetz |
shortly before, on the brink, about to | kurz davor |
to be in the middle of, just, to be in the act of doing, to be just doing (2 words in German... I was just in the middle of writing a letter) | gerade dabei |
indifferent (ex. She is indifferent to me) | gleichgültig |
random | zufällig, (wahllos) |
initially, first, at first, first of all | zunächst |
nowhere | nirgendwo, (nirgends) |
elsewhere, somewhere else (Ex. He can go somewhere else) | anderswo |
to raise (ex. They will raise the price) | erhöhen, (erheben) |
to elevate | anheben |
to look around | sich umschauen |
to stop (doing sth) | aufhören |
to stop (literally. Ex. The car stopped) | anhalten |
in my opinion (lit. according to my opinion) | Meiner Meinung nach |
the substance, the cloth, (the fabric, the material) | der Stoff |
the fabric | das Gewebe, (der Stoff) |
the material | das Material |
the cushion | das Polster |
the income | das Einkommen, (die Einnahme) |
next door (prep...ex. They live next door) | nebenan |
the boy next store | der Nachbarsjunge, (der Junge von nebenan) |
downward | abwärts |
to tolerate (sth you eat...Ex. I can't tolerate milk) | vertragen |
to tolerate (the heat, noise, pain), to be able to bear, to bear, to stand | ertragen |
the classroom | das Klassenzimmer |
intentional, intentionally, deliberate, deliberately | absichtlich |
the potato chips | die Kartoffelchips |
the major (at school/college...ex. What's your major? Biology) | der Studiengang, der Hauptfach |
genuine, (true, authentic) | echt |
the progress | der Fortschritt |
the education (up until college) | die Bildung |
the education (after college or in a trade school) | die Ausbildung |
the education (from your parents), the upbringing | die Erziehung |
to teach (informally and/or kids) | unterrichten |
to teach (formally and/or adults or at a university) | lehren |
to form (ex. a sentence) | bilden |
the age (of sb or sth) | das Alter |
to elect | wählen, (auswählen, küren) |
to fluctuate, to vacillate, (to vary) | schwanken |
the sneeze | das Niesen |
the oral contraceptive pill, the birth control pill | die Antibabypille |
the contraception | die Verhütung |
the purpose | der Zweck |
the intention | die Absicht |
to steam (cook...Ex. vegetables) | dampfgaren |
the accent (on a particular syllable) | die Betonung |
the accent (ex. You sound like you're from Berlin) | der Akzent |
several (ie, just a few) | mehrere |
shy (ex. a shy person) | schüchtern |
to leave (a message) | hinterlassen |
to leave behind (sb or sth) | zurücklassen, hinterlassen |
to persuade | überreden, (überzeugen) |
about (ie approx...ex. about 6 feet tall) | ungefähr, etwa |
approximately, circa | zirka |