to estimate, (to appreciate) | schätzen |
to pass (an exam) | bestehen, (absolvieren) |
obvious | offensichtlich, (eindeutig) |
the listening comprehension | das Hörverständnis |
to be running late | sich verspäten |
the knowledge of the German language (pl in German) | die Deutschkenntnisse |
to request (information...ex. catalog, documents, an expert opinion) | anfordern |
to request (in general) | bitten |
the checking account | das Girokonto, das Scheckkonto |
to transport | transportieren, karren (ugs) |
to commit (a crime) | begehen, verüben |
to commit (to a relationship) | sich verpflichten |
to commit (to a cause) | sich engagieren |
independent | unabhängig |
the runway, the tarmac | die Piste |
energetic, dynamic | dynamisch |
besides, moreover, furthermore | außerdem |
to appreciate, (to estimate) | schätzen |
to dig | graben |
to get engaged, to become engaged | sich verloben |
to pray | beten |
the event (in history or on the news) | das Ereignis |
the event (that gets planned...ex. a 5K fundraiser) | die Veranstaltung |
the fine (for speeding, etc) | die Geldstrafe, (das Bußgeld) |
to bully (sb) | schikanieren, mobben (ugs) |
the intensive care unit, the ICU | die Intensivstation |
unconscious | bewusstlos |
careless | unvorsichtig, (leichtsinnig) |
reckless | rücksichtslos, (leichtsinnig) |
negligent | fahrlässig |
to dry | trocknen |
to sort | sortieren |
the advice (that is not professional) | der Rat, der Ratschlag |
the advice (that is professional) | die Beratung |
to change (sth a lot) | verändern |
to mutate | mutieren |
the guarantee | die Garantie, (die Gewähr) |
the receipt | die Quittung |
naughty (ie bad behavior) | ungezogen |
the discount (that is available to all...ex. 10% off rice) | der Rabatt |
the disease | die Krankheit |
the disorder (ex. the eating disorder) | die Störung |
the drawer (in a chest or under a counter) | die Schublade |
the comb | der Kamm |
the brush | die Bürste |
to comb one's hair, to brush one's hair | sich kämmen |
the width | die Breite |
the height (of a person) | die Körpergröße |
the height (of sth in general...ex. a mountain) | die Höhe |
the bench (at a park) | die Bank, die Sitzbank |
to shock (the conscience, etc) | erschüttern |
to horrify | entsetzen |
to be shocked | entsetzt sein |
Christmas Eve | Heiligabend, Christnacht, Heilige Nacht |
the love story | die Liebesgeschichte |
to encourage (sb) | ermutigen |
excellent | ausgezeichnet |
the kebab (lit. turning kebab in Turkish) | der Döner, der Dönerkebab |
the letter ß | das Eszett, das scharfes s |
the ceiling (in a room) | die Zimmerdecke, (die Decke) |
the ceiling (ie upper limit) | die Obergrenze |
to notify | benachrichtigen |
youthful | jugendlich |
Whose (subject...Ex. Whose books are these?) | Wem gehören (diese Bücher?), Wem gehört (dieses Buch?) |
...whose (possessive...ex. ...whose brother is there) | wessen, deren, dessen |
the role | die Rolle |
serious (ex. Are you serious?) | ernst |
serious (ie. grave....ex. serious trouble) | ernst |
daily | täglich |
the tissue (for your nose) | das Taschentuch, das Tempo (ugs...Marke) |
the bath towel | das Badetuch, das Badehandtuch |
diligent | fleißig |
the hit singer | der Schlagersänger, die Schlagersängerin |
to warn | warnen |
cold and wet, dank, chilly and damp | nasskalt |
the raspberry | die Himbeere |
the blueberry | die Heidelbeere, (die Blaubeere) |
to become, to turn into | werden |
something else | etwas anderes |
sober (ie not drunk) | nüchtern (adj) |
the rumor | das Gerücht |
to complete | abschließen, (beenden) |
to conclude (ie to determine, to figure out) | folgern, (schlussfolgern) |
to support (literally...ex. a beam) | stützen |
to administer (medicine) | verabreichen |
terrifying | erschreckend |
eerie | unheimlich |
scary (ex. scary movie or costume) | gruselig |
fair (ie just) | gerecht |
the battery (for your flashlight) | die Batterie, der Akku (ie Akkumulator) |
to tilt, to tip, to overturn | kippen |
the invitation (to a party or event) | die Einladung |
gorgeous, (stunning, dazzling) | umwerfend |
overblown | überzogen (adj) |
included (ex. Batteries are included) | enthalten (adj) |
excluded | ausgeschlossen |
figurative, figuratively | bildlich |
to decorate | schmücken |
to join (a firm) | eintreten, (beitreten) |
to toast (bread) | rösten |