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level: Expressing difficulty with "hao (bu) rongyi"

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level questions: Expressing difficulty with "hao (bu) rongyi"

She lost weight with difficulty.她 好容易 才 减肥 成功。
I had a hard time getting through to the bank's service line.我 好不容易 才 打通 了 银行 的 服务 热线 。
We finished the project with great difficulty, but the contract was cancelled.我们 好不容易 才 做完 这 个 项目,结果 合同 取消 了。
I finally got to the city center and found that I didn't bring my mobile phone, so I went back to get it.我 好不容易 才 到 市中心, 发现 没 带 手机,只好 回去 拿。
They finally climbed to the top of the mountain, but it rained heavily.他们 好不容易 才 爬 到 了 山顶,结果 下起 了 大雨 。
It's going to be hard to finish this big project.要 完成 这 个 大 项目 好不容易 啊。
It's hard to raise a child.养 大 一 个 孩子 好不容易。
It's not easy to start a company.创办 一 个 公司 好不容易 啊。