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level: Key Definitions

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Key Definitions

Definition of an EcosystemAll the organisms and the environment in which they live form an ecosystem
Definition of a PopulationGroups of the same species of animals’ form populations within the ecosystem
Definition of a CommunityAll the populations of organisms that live and interact in an ecosystem form a community
What are abiotic factors?Physical, non-living factors that affect distribution of an organism
What are biotic factors?Living organisms affecting other populations in the ecosystem
Structural AdaptationFeature of an organism
Behavioural AdaptationAction the organism does
Functional AdaptationProcess the organism does
Definition of InterdependenceAll of the different species in a community depend on each other
What do plants compete for?Light, space, water and mineral ions
What do animals compete for?Food, water, mates and territory
What's a stable community?When the population of a species remains fairly constant in a community. The populations of organisms are in balance with each other and with the abiotic resources
Biotic factors are:Competition between species, availability of food, new predators and new pathogens
Abiotic factors are:Temperature, light intensity, soil pH and mineral content, water, wind intensity and direction, carbon dioxide and oxygen for aquatic organisms