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level: Adaptations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Adaptations

What are structural adaptations?features of an organism's body structure
What are behavioural adaptations?ways organisms behave
What are functional adaptations?related to processes
Structural adaptation of a polar bear?have white fur so they’re camouflaged against the snow it helps them avoid predators and sneak up on prey
Behavioural adaptation of a camel?spit to get rid of predators
Functional adaptation of a camel?conserve water by producing very little sweat and urine
Structural adaptation of a newt?have a powerful tail to help them swim in the water
Behavioural adaptation of a polar bear?stand up to scare predators e.g. humans
Functional adaptation of a brown bear?hibernate over winter by lowering their metabolism which conserves energy, so they don’t have to hunt when there’s not much food about