Drowsiness and Increased Sleep | Lethargy |
Temporary Loss of Conciousness, Associated with Increased Respiratory Rate, Tachycardia, Pallor, Perspiration and Coolness of Skin | Syncope |
Verbal Response-Oriented | GCS: +5 |
Eye Opening:Spontaneous-Open with Blinking at Baseline | GCS + 4 |
Eye Opening to Verbal Stimuli, Command, Speech | GCS +3 |
Eye Opening to Pain Only | GCS +2 |
Eye Opening: No Response | GCS +1 |
Verbal Response: Confused Conversation, but Able to Answer Questions | GCS +4 |
Verbal Response: Inappropriate Words | GCS + 3 |
Verbal Response: Incomprehensible Speech | GCS +2 |
Verbal Response: No Response | GCS +1 |
Motor Response: Obeys Commands for Movement | GCS +6 |
Motor Response: Purposeful Movement to Painful Stimulus | GCS +5 |
Motor Response: Withdraws in Response to Pain | GCS +4 |
Motor Response: Flexion in Response to Pain(Decorticate Posturing) | GSC +3 |
Motor Response: Extension Response in Response to Pain(Decerebrate Posturing) | GCS +2 |
Motor Response: No Response | GCS +1 |
Abnormal swishing sound heard over organs, glands and arteries | Bruitts |
Sweating Profusely | Diaphoresis |
Foul smelling, malodourous | Fetid |
Yellow tinged skin and scleral icterus | Jaundice |
Loss of Strength and energy, depletion of vitality | Asthenia |
Itching | Pruritus |
Lifestyle risk factors for disease | Alcohol and substance abuse, poor nutrition, insufficient rest, poor hygiene, prolonged stress, smoking, sun bathing |
Environmental risk factors for disease | exposure to asbestos, CO, Pollution, family stress |
Results in structural change in an organ that interferes with its function(Eg Stroke) | Organic Disease |
This disease type manifests with organic symptoms but fails to reveal evidence of structrural or physiologic abnormalties(Eg Nervous and mental diseases) | Functional Disease |
Develops slowly and persists over an extended period of time, often for persons lifetime(Eg Diabetes Mellitus) | Chronic Disease |
Partial or complete disappearance of clinical and subjective characteristics of the disease(Sometimes spontaneous and sometimes as a result of therapy) | Remission |
Begins abruptly with marked intensity of severe signs and symptoms and then subsides after a period of treatment | Acute Disease |
Caused by dysfunction that results in a loss of metabolic control of homeostasis in the body(EG Diabetes Mellitus) | Metabolic Disease |
Transmitted genetically from parents to children(Eg cystic fibrosis) | Hereditary Disease |
Appear at birth or shortly there after. These result from failur in development during embryonic stage or first 2 months of pregnancy(Eg absence of limbs and blindness) | Congenital Disease |
Diseases in which the body reacts with and inflammatory response to some causative agent(Eg pharyngitis, bronchitis or hay fever) | Inflammatory Disease |
Often progressive degradation of some part of the body. Aging process may play a role(Eg Osteoarthritis) | Degenerative Disease |
Result from the invasion of micro-organisms into the body(Eg AIDS, tuberculosis, measles and pneumonia | Infectious Disease |
Results form lack of a specific nutrient(Eg Iron deficiency anemia) | Deficiency Disease |
Result of abnormal growth of new tissues, sometimes benign and sometimes malignant(Eg malignant neoplasms) | Neoplastic Disease |
Results for physical and emotional trauma(Eg MVA, TBI) | Traumatic Disease |
Develops from exposure to a harmful substance(Eg CO and Asbestos) | Environmental Disease |
First Normal Heart Sound, Closure of atrioventricular valves, beginning of Systole | S1 |
Second Normal Heart Sound, closure of semilunar valves, end of systole | S2 |
Dull Soft Sound(Early indication of heart failure) | S3 |
Soft and Low Pitch, sometimes Normal and Sometimes Pathologic(Heard in coronary artery disease after MI or cardiomyopathy) | S4 |
Musical noise sounding like a squeak; Most often heard continuously during inspiration or expiration | Sibilant Wheeze |
High-pitched discrete, discontinuous crackling sounds heard during end of inspiration, not cleared by cough | Fine Crackles |
Lower, more moist sound heard during the midstage of inspiration, not cleared by cough | Medium Crackles |
Loud, bubbly noise heard during inspiration, not cleared by cough | Coarse Crackles |
Loud, low coarse sounds like a snore most often heard continuously during inspiration or expiration; coughing may clear sound | Sonorous wheeze(Rhonchi) |
Dry, rubbing or grating sound, usually cause by inflammation of pleural surfaces; heard during inspiration or expiration | Pleural Friction Rub |
Absent Pulse | 0 |
Weak Pulse | 2+ |
Thready Pulse | 1+ |
Normal Pulse | +3 |
Bounding Pulse | +4 |
exaggeration of posterior curvature of thoracic spine(humpback) | Kyphosis |
Lateral spine curvature | Scoliosis |
Increased lumbar curvature(Swayback) | Lordosis |
LOC | Level of Consciousness(Person, Place, Time, Situation/Purpose) |
Pertaining to sensations of body movement and posture | Proprioception |
When problem began | Onset |
Subjective indications of illness, perceived by patient | Symptoms |
Objective indications of illness perceived by examiner | Signs |
Risk Factors for Disease | Habit, Environmental Condition, Genetic Disposition, Physiologic Condition, Age |
Redness | Errythema |
Swelling | Edema |
pus | Purulent |
White Blood Cells | Neutrophils |
Lack of apetite | Anorexia |
Bluish Discoloration of skin and mucous membranes | Cyanosis |
Profuse Sweating | Diaphoresis |
SOB | Dyspnea |
Discoloration of an area of skin or mucous membrane(bruising) | Ecchymosis |
Fever | Febrile, Hyperthermia, Pyrexia |
Abnormal condition in which the patient must sit or stand to breath deeply or comfortably | Orthopnea |
Unnatural paleness or absence of color | Pallor |
Pertaining to unhealthy yellowing of skin | Sallow |
Evaluation of the patients condition performed by the health care provider and nursing personnel, involved taking medical history and performing physical examination | Health Assessment |
Position used for abdominal assessment because it promotes relaxation of abdominal muscles | Dorsal Recumbent |
Position which provides maximal exposure of genitalia and facilitates insertion of vaginal speculum | Lithotomy |
Flexion of hip and knee improves exposure to rectal area | Sims |
Most normally relaxed position, provides access to pulse sites | Supine |
Provides full expansion of lungs and provides better visualization of symmetry of upper body parts | Sitting |
Position used only to assess extension of hip joint | Prone |
Position which aids in detecting heart murmurs | Lateral Recumbent |
Position which provides maximum exposure to rectal area | Knee-chest |
Onset, Precipitating/Palliative, Quality/Quantity, Region/Radiation, Severity, Treatments, Understanding, Values | OPQRSTUV |
Biographic Data includes: | DOB, Gender, Address, Family Members, Marital Status, Religious preference, Occupation, Source of Healthcare and Insurance Benefits |
Interview Process | Includes collecting biographic data, chief complaint, present illness or health concerns, health history, family history, environmental history, psychosocial and cultural history and review of systems |
True or False: The LVN is responsible for the initial assessment | False: The RN is responsible for initial assessment |
Vibrating sensation perceived upon palpation along the artery | Thrill |
Pupils equal, Round, React to Light Normally and Accomodate | PERRLA |
Double Vision | Diplopia |
Cardinal Signs of Infection or Inflammation | Erythema, Edema, Heat, Pain, Purulent Drainage and Loss of Function |
Skills used to collect data for a physical exam | Inspection, Percussion, Auscultation, Percussion |
Objective of nursing health history | To Identify patterns of health and illness, risk factors for physical and behavioral health problems, deviations from normal and avaliable resources for adaptation of life changes |
Periods of increasing depth interspersed with apnea | Cheyne-Stokes |
Initial step in conducting assessment | Interview |
Found by subtracting the systolic from the diastolic measurement | Pulse Pressure |
A drop of 25mmHg systolic and 10mmHg Diastolic indicates this condition | Orthostatic Hypotension |