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level: biology

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level questions: biology

second messanger will be formed in which hormoneadrenaline
this organism is unicellular, edible and have prokaryotic charactersspirulina
white fat-monolocular adipocyteshump of camel
-they have dorso-ventrally flat body -fertilization is internalplatyhelminthes
an elaborate network of filamentous_____ structures present in the cytoplasm is collectively referred to as the_____proteinaceous, cytoskeleton
-double membrane bounded -outer membrane is more permeable than the inner membrane -ATP synthesizing capacity are characteristics of which organellesmitochondria and chloroplast
macronutrients that form components of fertilizersN,P,K and S
inheritance of starch grains size in pea plant showsincomplete dominance
in RNAi ,the genes are silenced usingds-RNA
blood carries the CO2 in 3 forms -as carbino haemoglobin in RBC -as bicarbonates -dissolved in plasma then what are the percent in each20-25 per cent, 70 per cent, 7 per cent
head of humerus articulate with _____ to form ______glenoid cavity, shoulder joint
sacromere is the portion betweenZ to Z line
which one is not a structural characteristic of communityproductivity
the logistic population growth is expressed by the equationdN/dt= rN {k-N/k}
a single ovule is present in _____ placentation which is present in____basal, chinarose
solanaceae family characteristicsexstipulate leaves alternate leaves swollen placenta tap root
meristem which is not involved in secondary growth ismarginal meristem
besides main DNA another small and ds circular DNA is also present in bacterial cell calledplasmid
multicellular and branched rhizoids elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal absence of vascular tissuesfunaria
pteridophytes differ from gymnosperms in havingindependent alternation of gymnosperms
ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall ingymnosperms
the NADP reductase enzyme is located onthe stroma side of thylakoid membrane
glycerol would enter the respiratory pathway after being converted toPGAL
closure of stomataABA
DNA polymerase used in PCR is remains active athigh temperature
structures present in fallopian tube aresecondary oocyte, egg cell/ovum, zygote
NH3 is excretory waste in which of the followingfishes
one example of animals having a single opening to the outsie that serves both as mouth as well as anus isfasciola
petromyzon is not a true fish because ofabsence of paired fins and true jaws
level of organisation in porifera iscellular
platyhelminthes aretriploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical
in multicellular animals a agroup of similaar cells along with intercellular substances perform a specific function such an organisation is calledtissue
ciliated epithelium is present intrachea
uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products ofcockroach
glycerol is a simple lipid which is also known astrihydroxy propane
when two indivisuals heterozygous for the same genes are breed together, they produceboth recessive and dominant phenotypes
a haemophilic man marries a normal woman whose father was haemophilic, if they produces two sons and two daughters, how many of them would be suffererone son and one daughter
if an inheritable mutation is observed in a population at high frequency, then it is refered asDNA polymorphism
aminoacylation of tRNA is essential forformation of peptide bond
the region of DNA sequence that provides binding site for RNA polymerasepromoter site
which of the following semi-dwarf rice variety indroduced in india from IRRIIR-8
pusa komal is resistant to which diseasebacterial blight
which of the following restriction endonuclease not produce sticky endHae III
which cry gene codes for the protien which can control the corn barer effectivelyCry I Ab
which protist lacks cell wall in its whole life cycleeuglena
-they have chlorophyll a,d and phycoerythrin as major pigments -they have floridean starch as stored food -cell wall is made up of cellulose, pectin and polysulphate estersrhodophycease
a thallus of marchantia (liverwort) haseither antheridia or archegonia
prions are made up ofonly protien
in nerve cord of cockroach how many ganglia present in the thorax and abdomen3,6
choanocytes are present insycon
which type of scales are found on the skin of cartilaginous fishesplacoid
epithelium with microvilligall bladder
the total annual net productivity of whole biosphere is170 billion ton
which one of the following has the highest number of species in naturefishes
which are correct if biotic potential of a species is higher, thennumber of individuals of particular species increases
tonoplast is membrane ofvacuole
which of the following is not a procaryotic cellamoeba
which of the following is not a correct statement for non-competitive irreversible inhibition of enzymesinhibitor action can be overcome by increasing the substrate concentration
opening and closing of stomata are respectively promoted bycytokinin,ABA
injections of toxoid as vaccine is given to preventdiphtheria
activation of B-lymphocytes is done byIgD
which of the following is not a hyperglycemic hormoneinsulin
which of the following is the major coordinating center for sensory and motor signallingthalamus
the axoplasm contains high concentration of _____ and negatively charged protiens and low concentration of _____k+ ions, Na+ ions
the wings of sparrow and wings of housefly arean example of analogous structures and represent convergent evolution
osteoporosis, an age-related disease of skeletal system, may occur due todecreased level of estrogen
the living differentiated cell, which has lost the capacity to divide, can regain capacity of division under certain conditions. this phenomenon is calleddedifferentiation
which is not a bast fibrecotton
in castor plantgeitonogamy is possible
In a cross between individuals homozygous for (a, b) and wild type (++). In this cross 700 out of 1000 individuals were of parental type. Then the distance between a and b is :30 map unit
Psilotum, Azolla, Equisetum, Salvinia, Adiantum, Selaginella, Marsilea, Lycopodium, Cycas. How many examples are correct for showing heterosporous nature ?5
In full blown AIDS, opportunistic infections are caused by :-Mycobacterium Toxoplasma Fungi