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level: The Circulatory System

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level questions: The Circulatory System

What is the Circulatory SystemThis is the system which has blood carry the substances to their destination.
What is it made up off? [Circulatory SystemIt is made up of the Heart, blood vessles and blood.
What is the Pulmonary system job?This is the system that has blood carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs to gain oxygen which then returns back to the heart.
What is the other system job?This is the system that carries the oxygenated blood to its destination. It then returns back to the heart.
Why is it good that we have a double system?Blood pressure is increased which means the blood flow increases. This means blood can give its 'customer' its desiered products faster [Oxygen] Mamals need this to maintain their body temperature.
What does our Heart do exactly?Our heart is the muscle of this operation. It keeps the blood flowing in the right direction due to its valves. [Thats also why you can hear your heart sometimes]
What happens in the heart?So the heart is split in 4 main chambers. The Right Atrium, The Right Ventricle, The Left Atrium and The Left Ventricle. [Keep in mind, in a diagram the left of it is the right atrium, ventricle etc...] The Blood flows into the atriums via the Pulmonary vein or the Vena Cava [also a vein] The atriums contract, pushing the blood into the ventricles. The ventricles contract, forcing the blood to the Pulmonary artery or the Aorta. This keeps repeating itself again and again...
What is the heart made up of?It is made up fo cardiac muscle which contains alot of mitochondria for ATP [Energy] They also need oxygen which means a blood supply so that the heart can keep beating. The vessles that supply them are called the coronary arteries.
Why is the left ventricle thicker then the right?Destination wise. The right side only needs to go to the lungs and back. The right needs to go to everywhere else. To the brain and the toes.
What are the valves called?The Tricuspid Valve [The valve in the Right Atrium], The Bicuspid Valve [The valve the in Left Atrium] and the Semi Lunar Valve [The valve in the Artery]