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level: physics

Questions and Answers List

level questions: physics

percentage error in measuring the radius and mass of a solid sphere are 1 per cent and 2 per cent respectively. the error in measurement of moment of inertia about it's diameter is4 per cent (look solution in test copy)
light waves do not travel strictly in straight line, can be best explained bydiffraction
the depletion layer in the p-n junction region is calleddiffusion of charge carriers
a vessel contains 100g of wate. the heat capacity of the vessel is equal to 10g of water. the initial temp. of water in vessel is 10 degree C. if 220g of hot water at 70 degree C is poured in the vessel, the final temp. neglecting rediation loss will be50 degree C (look for solution in the test copy)
a rectangular film of a certain liquid is 5 cm long and 3 cm wide. if the amount of work done in increasing it's size to 6 cm * 5 cm is 3*10^-4J then the value of surface tention of the liquid is0.1 N/m
a Cu ball of radius r travels with uniform speed V in a viscous liquid. if the ball is changed with another Cu ball of radius 2r, the new speed will be4V
the amplitude of a SHM reduces to 1/3 in first 20 sec. then in first 40 sec it's amplitude becomes1/9
a particle is tied to 20 cm long string. it performs circular motion in vertical plane. what is the angular velocity of the string when the tension in the string at the top is zero7 rad./sec
a plane EMW of intensity 10W/m^2 strikes a small mirror of area 20 cm^2, held perpendicular to the approaching wave. the radiation force on the mirror will be1.33*10^-10 N
when 50 Kev electrons are made incident on a target material, the wave length of K alpha X-ray line was found to be 0.5 angstrom. when the accelerating potential is increased to 100 KV, then the wavelength of Kalpha line from the same target will be0.5 angstrom
the escape velocity on a planet with radius doubles that of earth and density equal to that of earth will be(escape velocity on earth=11.2 Km/sec)22.4 km/sec
the equation of a projectile is Y=root 3x - gx^2/2 the angle of projection is60 degree
a common emitter amplifier gives an output of 3V for an input of 0.01 V. if P of the transistor is 100 and then input resistance is 1 Kohm, then the collector resistor is3 K ohm