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level: D'autres choses à manger (Other things to eat)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: D'autres choses à manger (Other things to eat)

applela pomme
hot dogle hot dog
broccolile brocoli
mustardla moutarde
bean (green)le haricot (vert)
mushroomle champignon
beefle bœuf
orangel'orange (f.)
carrotla carotte
peale petit pois
cabbagele chou
potatola pomme de terre
cauliflowerle chou-fleur
pumpkinla citrouille
celeryle céleri
sausagela saucisse
cherryla cerise
shrimpla crevette
cornle maïs
soupla soupe
grapesle raisin
steakle bifteck
hamle jambon
strawberryla fraise