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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

in glycolysis, glucose molecule is converted intopyruvic acid
which one of the following elements is not an essential micronutrient for plant growthCa
required for synthesis of mitotic spindlecalcium
required for absorption of calciumboron
essential for constitution of nucleic acidphosphorus
require for ionic balancechlorine
required for activate repiratory enzymemanganese
component of middle lamellacalcium
enzyme activatorzinc
component of ferredoxiniron
in which of the following, all three are macronutrientsnitrogen, calcium and magnesium
mineral known to be required in large amounts for plant growth includephosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium
constituent of biotinsulphur
best defined function of manganese in green plants isphotolysis of water
readily immobilisationpotassium
which elements in plants is not remobilizedcalcium
essential for protolysis of watermaganese
manganese is required inphotolysis of water during photosynthesis
boron in green plants assists insugar transport
passive absorption of minerals depend ontemperature
phosphorus and nitrogen ions generally get depleted in soil because they usually occur asboth positively and negatively charged but disproportionate mixture
which one is essential mineral, not constituent of any enzyme but stimulates the activity of many enzymesK
the deficiencies of micronutrients, not only affects growth of plants but also vital functions such as photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron flow. among the list given below, which group of 3 elemnts shall affect most, both photosynthetically and mitochondrial electron transportCu, Mn, Fe
grey spots of oat are caused by deficiency ofMn
the plants grown in magnesium-deficient but urea sprayed soil would showyellowing of leaves
which of the following is not caused by deficiency of mineral nutritionetiolation
mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between roots of higher plants andfungi
the first stable product of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plants isammonia
both photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation involve uphill transport ofprotons across the membrane
for its action nitrogenase requireshigh input of energy
a procaryotic autothrophic nitrogen fixing symboint is found incycas
nitrifying bacteriaoxidises ammonia to nitrates
one of the free living, anaerobic nitrogen fixer isrhodospirillum
symbiotic nitrogen fixerfrankia
a free living nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association with the water fern Azolla isanabenna
in plants insulin and raphidesreserved food material
which of the following is a free living aerobic nonphotosynthetic nitrogen-fixerazotobacter