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level: Inflammatory diseases reaction patterns

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level questions: Inflammatory diseases reaction patterns

Spongiotic patternFluid between cells
Psoriasifrom patternEpidermis increases in thickness
Lichenoid patternInflammation mainly situated at the base of the epidermis
Bullous patternSkin forms bulla vesicles
Granulomatous patternSkin forms granulomas
Vasculopathic patternVasculuitis
How is pemphigus vulgaris characterisedCharacterised by oral lesions except gingiva compared to other pemphigi
Cicatrical pemphigoidMainly involves the oral mucosa rarely the skin
What is daspone used forTreatment of citacrical pemphigoids
Why do granumolomas formThere is an agent which the body cannot eliminate
When is a necrotising granuloma commonly seenIn Tb
What is a sarcoidal granulomaNaked granuloma i.e. doesnt have cells around it
What is a supparative granulomaHas an abcess in the middle
Epidermal tumours benign seborrhoeic keratosisLook wart/mole like
Basal cell carcinomaMost common skin cancer- sun damaged skin characteristic shiny surface outline
Mucosal lentigous presents asBlack nodule with rough surface
Bisphosphonate drug groupsNon nitrogen bisphosphonates, alkyl-amino bisphosphonate adn heterocyclic nitrogen bisphosphonates