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level: The Peasants' Revolt 1381

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level questions: The Peasants' Revolt 1381

-Effects of Black Death 1348 - shortage of workers as 1/3 died - wanted higher wages (social and economic) -Statute of Labourers (economic) -The Sumptuary Laws 1363 (social) - controlled what peasants could eat and wearlong term causes of the peasants' revolt (3)
-1351 - maximum wage set for peasants because they were asking for too much - peasants arrested if refused to work at that wage -despite the need for workers and more land available, the poor stayed poorWhen and what was the statute of labourers? (2) and what did it lead to?
70%Percentage of people brought before Justices of the Peace for breaking Statute of Labourers 1377-79
-Richard II became King - Uncle John of Gaunt hated - tax -Losing French land - hundred years war -New poll tax - 3rd in 3 years - everyone over 13 had to pay 4 groats a year -Priests like John Ball started preaching equalityShort term causes of the Peasants' revolt (4)
Men joined forces wanting to remove bad priests and evil landownersEssex and Kent
Fobbing, Essex - Poll tax collector threatened30th May
Villagers unite and threaten tax collectors that return to Fobbing and kill them2nd June Brentwood
-Peasants March to Maidstone to hear Wat Tyler -Free John Ball from prison -Kill Archbishop of Canterbury -Burn government buildings -Marched to London7th June Kent (5)
-King Richard sails towards peasants down river -Hears booing noise and retreats -Says he'll meet them in 5 days12th June (3)
-Peasants enter London -Burn John of Gaunt's palace -Kill King's supporters -Not all violent - Wat Tyler's men are peaceful -King says to meet tomorrow at Mile End13th June (5)
-Wat Tyler met King and listed demands -Some peasants go on another killing spree14th June (2)
-Royal pardon given to all -Villeins to be made freemenWat Tyler's initial demands (2)
-King meets Wat Tyler in Smithfield - new demands (changes to law and church) -King's man kills Tyler -peasants confused -King shouts and rides forward -Peasant's leave London15th June (4)
"Would you kill your King? I am your leader, follow me."What does the King shout - 15th June
-Leaders rounded up and hanged -John Ball cut to pieces - head on a spike next to Wat Tyler's on London BridgeShort term consequences of revolt (2)
-Poll tax never repeated - huge riots 1990 when Margaret Thatcher introduced council tax named poll tax -Workers wages rose over time - demands were agreed to -Rebel peasants bought leftover land from black death with higher wages - didn't have to work the Lord's land -Gradually became freemenLong term consequences of revolt (4)
First time ordinary people started a revolt - change for peasantsSignificance
-Some say it was unnecessary because reform was already coming -Socialists say it was the first working-class rebellion -Some go further - peasants were politicised and organised - led to start of English ideas of freedomHistorians' interpretations (3)