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level: definition of terms

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level questions: definition of terms

definition of Accreditationprocess whereby a professional association or non governmental agency grants recognition to an institution or agency for demonstrated ability in a special area.
definition of Approved programprogram that meets minimum standards established by the state agency responsible for overseeing education programs.
definition of Articulationallows nursing programs to plan their curricula collaboratively; the purpose is to lessen duplication of learning experiences and support a process of progressive build up.
definition of Certificationprocess in which an individual or institution, agency, or educational program is evaluated and recognized as meeting certain predetermined standards.
definition of healtha condition of physical, mental, and social well- being and the absence of disease or other abnormal conditions.
definition of Health Care Systemthe complete network of agencies, facilities, and all providers of healthcare in a specific geographic area
definition of Holisticpertaining to the total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual needs of a person
definition of Holistic health carea system of comprehensive or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person; the response to the illness and the effect of the illness on the person’s ability to meet self-care needs.
definition of Illnessan abnormal process in which aspects of the social, emotional or intellectual condition and function of a person are diminished or impaired.
definition of licensurethe granting of permission by a competent authority (usually government agency) to an organization or individual to engage in a practice or activity that otherwise would be illegal.
definition of Pateinta recipient of a health care service, usually thought of as a recipient who is ill or hospitalized.
definition of pesthousea home or hospital used to house and care for patients with infections
definition of portfolioa file of items accumulated that highlight an individual's educational and professional accolades
definition of Wellnessa dynamic state of health in which an individual progresses toward a higher level of functioning, achieving an optimum balance between internal and external environment.