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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

phenotypedisplay of a particular version of a genetic trait
diploid, homologous pairSomatic cells are ______ and those two make up a ________
maternal and paternalthe homologous pair is one _____ and one _____
Allelesdifferent, or changed versions of genes
these genes make a population diverseallellic variation
mutationchange in a dna sequence of the gene
allelic makeup of that individual (specified traits)genotype
homozygous for that geneindividual who carries two copies of the same allele
heterozygousindividual whose genotype has two different alleles
dominant and recessiveallele that exerts control on a phenotype :_____ allele that has no effect on phenotype :_____
genetic crosscontrolled mating to experiment with inheritance
F1 generationPgeneration are crossed to produce :
f2 genf1 gen crossed to make:
true-breedingindividuals with a homogenous genotype
Mendels law of segregationtwo copies of a gene are separated during meiosis and end up in different gametes.
dihybridsindividuals that are heterozygous for two traits.
recombinant phenotypesnon parental combinations of phenotypes
R, r, Y, y : RY, Ry, rY, rycombinations of dihybrid produce:
law of independent assortmentstates when gametes form, the two copies of any given allele are sorted independently of any two alleles of other genes.
incomplete dominancewhen alleles produces an intermediate phenotypein the heterozygote.
codominanceoccurs when the effect of both alleles is equally visible in the phenotype of the heterozygote.
pleiotropysituation in which a single gene influences two or more traits
epistasisphenotypic effect of the alleles of one gene depends on the presence of certain alleles
polygenic traitsTraits governed by the action of more than one gene
complex traitstraits that cannot be predicted by laws of inheritance