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level: Health Care Delivery System

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Health Care Delivery System

Range of person's total healthWellness- Illness Continuum
what is the key to Wellness- Illness Continuum?balance in all aspects of life
factors effecting wellness- illness continuumAge, gender, family relationships, emotional stressors
individual’s behavior is formed by the individual's attempts to meet essential human needsMaslow's Model of Health and Illness
Physiologicfood, water, shelter
Safety and securitysecurity, stability, freedom from fear
Love and belongingacceptance, affection
Self- esteemself - respect, self confidence
Self actualizationfull use of individual talents
awareness of the causes of disease and prevention of its spread through use of the health- promotion valuesHealth Promotion and Illness Prevention
Primary preventionhealth promotion and specific protection
Secondary preventionearly detection and prompt diagnosis
Tertiary preventionrestoration and rehabilitation
Physical therapyTertiary prevention
DietSecondary prevention
MammogramsPrimary prevention