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level: Level 1 of chapter 7

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level questions: Level 1 of chapter 7

hygiene(principles of health) skin, hair, hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, back and perineum.
personal hygieneself-care measures a person takes to maintain health and prevent disease.
high fowlers (bed position)45 degrees or more (up to 90)
when is high fowlers usedeating or drinking to prevent aspiration.
semi-fowlers (bed position)30 degrees.
when is semi-fowlers usedfor patients who cant tolerate high fowlers or after lumbar puncture.
trendelenburg's (bed position)bed tilted downward at the foot of the bed.
when is trendelenburg's usedremoval of secretions with drainage, dilatation of vessels for central line.
reverse trendelenburg's (bed position)bed tilted downward at the head of the bed.
when is reverse trendelenburg's usednot commonly used, promotes gastric emptying.
flat (bed position)entire bed frame parallel with floor.
when is flat position usedvertebral injuries, immediately after lumbar puncture, cervical traction, preferred for sleeping.
range of motion (ROM)normal movement that any joint is capable of making.
supinelaying face up position in bed
sims positionside-lying
pronelying face-down
febrileelevated body temperature
pressure injury/pressure ulcerulcerated skin from unrelieved pressure, shearing force or friction.
shearing forcewhen skin tissue sides on each other, causing blood vessels to kink or stretch resulting in interruption of blood flow.
frictionrubbing of skin against another surface which can remove layers of tissue
pressure injury stages1, 2, 3, 4. unstageable/unclassified. suspected deep tissue injury.
stage 1 pressure injuryusually on a bony prominence intact with redness. difficult to detect in patients with dark tones.
stage 2 pressure injuryshallow open injury, shiny or dry, with red-pink wound bed.
stage 3 pressure injuryfull thickness skin tissue loss, fat sometimes visible.
stage 4 pressure injuryfull skin loss with exposed bone, tendon, cartilage, or muscle.
unstageable/unclassified pressure injurytrue depth of injury cannot be determined.
vasodilationdilation of blood vessels (can be caused by heat)
vasoconstrictionnarrowing of blood vessels (can be caused by cold)
oral hygienecare of the mouth
denturesartificial teeth
perineal carecare of genitals
circumorbitialcircular area around the eyes
bedpandevice to receive urine/feces from patients bed bound
urinalcollecting urine from male patients, also available for women
canthuscorner of eye