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A nation, community, or a broad group of people who establish particular aims, beliefs or standards of a living and conduct.Society.
A set of learned values, beliefs, customs, and practices that are shared by a group and are passed down from one generation to another.Culture.
A group that shares many characteristics with primary culture but has characteristic patters of behavior and ideals that distinguish it from the rest of a cultural group.Subculture.
A generalized expectation about from of behavior, an individual, or a group.Stereotype.
A fixed concept of how all members of an ethnic group act or think.Ethnic stereotype.
A group of people who share biological physical charateristics.Race.
Believing that the beliefs and practices of their particular culture are the best.Ethnocentrism
The awareness of one's own cultural beliefs and practices and their relation to those of others.Cultural competence.
When caring for a patient with a different culture, the nurse should always:Assess the patients beliefs.
List the following areas that should be explored by nurse when assessing the patient:Communication. Space. Time. Social organization. Religious beliefs. Health practice. Biological variation.
List some strategies for communication with patients from different cultures:Establish a level of comfort between you and the patient. Listen actively and attentively. Learn key phrases in languages that are commonly spoken. Use alternative methods of communication.
What cultures relate eye contact to impoliteness or an invasion of privacy?Some Asian cultures, American Indians, and certain East Indians.
What culture use silence as a sign of respect.Asian culture.
What culture use silence when they disagree with a person of authority.Mexican culture.
List some cultural considerations:Ask patients how they like to be addressed. Be aware of the patient's believe and eye contact. Determine patient's preference for touch. Investigate the patient's preference for silence.
What is influenced by and cultural identity.Self-concept.
When the women makes the decision about health care, provide the care, and discipline the children.Matriarchal.
When the men makes the decision about health care, provide the care, and discipline the children.Patriarchal.
What are the dietary habits of American Muslim Mission?Refuse pork. Do not consume traditional black culture foods.
List some of the following practices that a Assemblies of God/Pentecostal believe in:Encourage and allow patients time for prayer. Members sometimes "speak in tongues".
How many Baptist are in the United States?27.
What are the dietary habits of Mormons?No coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, cola.
What is the personal care of Mormons?Sacred undergarments may be worn at all times and is removed only in emergency situations.
List some of the following practices of Islamic death:Read Koran and pray with the patient. Family washes, prepares, and place the body in a position facing Mecca. Cremation is forbidden. Donation of body parts or organs are not allowed.
List the following dietary habits of Islam:No pork or alcohol. Meat must be blessed and killed in a "special" way/zabihah. Daytime during Ramadan.
The first step in holistic care?Accepting each person as in individual.
A fixed concepts of how all members of an ethnic group act or think.Ethnic stereotypes.
What type of therapy believe to be the way to treat disease in the United States.Biomedical.
A set of learned values, beliefs, customs, and practices shared by a group.Culture.
A generalization about a form of behavior, an individual, or a group.Stereotype.
A group of people who share biological physical characteristics.Race.
A group of people who share a common social and cultural heritage based on shared traditions, national origin, and physical and biological characteristics.Ethnicity.
What book is used to name a female newborn in an Orthodox Jewish religion?Holy Torah.
Which health belief system is commonly referred to as “third-world” beliefs and practices?Folk health belief system.
A belief system were treatment is done by caring out rituals or repentance or giving in to the supernatural force's wishes.Folk health belief system.
Which health belief system includes a belief of a supernatural force exerting influence to cause health or illness?Folk health belief system.
Which health belief system focuses on restoring balance with physical, social, and metaphysical worlds?Holistic health belief system.
A belief system were treatment is to restore balance with physical, social, and metaphysical worlds.Holistic health belief system.
List some of the data a nurse can obtain through a cultural interview or observation.Difficulty with care being preformed by opposite sex. Different health care beliefs. Different dietary practices.
List some of the following question a nurse would ask during an interview to collect data:How long did you have this problem? Did this treatment help? Can you describe what is wrong?
List some of the following birth rights of Mexican Americans?Inappropriate for husband to be present at birth. Female family members requested to be present during labor and delivery. Father not expect to see baby or wife until both are clean and dressed.
List some of the following cultural beliefs and practices of Chinese Americans?Maintaining eye contact is often considered ill mannered and disrespectful. Uncomfortable when face to face; prefer to sit side-to-side or at right angles.
What culture approach health care in a different primarily spiritual, framework?Christian science.
When caring for a Christian Science remember to:Allow and encourage time for prayer and study. Possibly request a Christian Science practitioner be notified to come.
List some of the following Eastern Orthodox religious beliefs and practices:Priest anoint the sick in hospital room. Wednesday and Friday fasting from meat and dairy during Lent. Christmas celebrated on Jan 7th, and New Year's on January 14th.
List some of the following religious beliefs of Judaism:Vasectomy is not allowed. Abortion is only permitted only to save a mothers life.
List some of the following death practices of Judaism:Defines death when respiration and circulation are irreversibly stopped. A witness must be present when a person prays for health. Body should not be left alone until burial. Body to be remained untouched for 8 to 30 mins Only an Orthodox person or the Jewish Burial Society is permitted to care for the body. The nursing staff is permitted to provide routine care of the body while wearing gloves. Family often request the mirrors be covered to symbolized death has occurred. Water receptacles in the room must be emptied. No flowers are permitted. A 7-day mourning period is required but the immediate family.
List some of the following dietary rules of Judaism:No mixing of milk and meat at a meal. Use of separate cooking utensils for meat and milk products. 24 hour fasting is required during Yom Kippur.
List some of the following religious beliefs and practices of Seventh-Day Adventist:Anointing the sick with oil. No alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea. Some are vegetarians, and most avoid pork. Sabbath is observed on Saturday. Believe homosexual or lesbian orientation is to be wrong.