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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what are you doing today?¿Qué estás haciendo hoy?
tell me a storyCuentame una historia
how was your day?¿Como estuvo tu día?
what do you want to eat?¿Que quieres de comer?
are you sleepy?Tienes sueño?
tell me about yourselfCuéntame acerca de ti
how do i get to this place?Como llego a este lugar?
it is very expensiveEs muy caro
it's very cheapEs muy barato
it's deliciousEsta delicioso
i don't like this flavorNo me gusta este sabor
i am angryEstoy enojado
i feel tiredMe siento cansado
i need to sleepNecesito dormir
let's studyVamos a estudiar
let's studyVamos a estudiar
let's studyVamos a estudiar
what is your favorite flavor?¿Cual es tu sabor favorito?