level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
throat | Garganta |
Stomach | Estómago |
Waist | Cintura |
Nervous | Nervioso |
Calm | tranquilo |
Tired | Cansado |
Health | La salud |
Chills | Los escalofríos |
The Flu | La gripe |
Cold | El catarro |
Cough (noun) | La tos |
Sick | Enfermo |
Fever | La fiebre |
Energy | La energía |
Pain (noun) | El dolor |
to sneeze | Estornudar |
To be sick with a cold | estar refriado (change the estar depending on who you talk about) |
to cough | Toser |
symptom | el síntoma |
to stay in bed | Guardar cama |
Doctor | El médico |
Prescription | La receta |
injection or shot | La inyección |
antibiotic | EL antibiótico |
Dose | La dosis |
Pill | La pastilla, La píldora, La tableta |