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level: PART A

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level questions: PART A

露 ・ 汁 tsûyudew ; brothy dipping sauce (for noodles)
雨になる âme ni nâruget to be rain; start to rain
(お)天気 (o)tênkiweather; good weather
いい天気になる (ii) (o)tênki ni naruget to be good weather
ピクニック pikunikkupicnic
せっかくのピクニック seḱkaku no pìkunikkua picnic involving special effort
持っていかなくても motté (i)kanàkute moalso (or even) not having taken
持っていかなくてもいい mótte (i)kanàkute mo iidoesn't have to take (lit. even not having taken is ok)
必要 hitsuyou /na/necessary; necessity
必要がない hitsúyou (ga) nàithere's no necessity
曇る kumôru (-u; kumôtta/become cloudy
曇り kumôricloudiness, cloudy weather
曇っている kumôtte (i)rube cloudy
よる ・ 依る yoru /-u; yotta/rely, depend; lean
天気予報によると teńki-yòhou ni yoru toaccording to (with relying on) the weather forecast
晴れる harêru /-ru; hareta/become clear
晴れてくる hârete kurucome to be clear; begin to clear
晴れ hâreclear (fine) weather or skies
酷い ・ ひどい hidôi /-katta/is severe, terrible, bad (cold, headache, etc.) ; cruel, awful ( punishment, etc.)
降る fûru /-u; fûtta/fall (of rain, snow, etc.)
ひどく降る hidôku fûrufall severely; rain (or snow) hard
降ってくる fûtte kurubegin to fall
止む yamu /-u; yanda/stop; let up (of rain, snow, etc.)
台風 taífùutyphoon
大水 ôomizu / oómizùflood(ing)
近づく chikázùku /-u; chikázùita/approach, draw near; become acquainted (intransitive)
近づいてくる chikázùite kurubegin to approach; come to be near
近づいてきている chikázùite kite (i)ruhas begun to approach
近づける chikázukèru /-ru/bring close; associate with (transitive-operational)
梅雨 tsuyúrainy season
ほら! hôra!look! hey!
嘘 ・ うそ! ûsoa lie; no way!
風 kazewind
吹く fûku /-u; fûita/to blow
吹いてくる fûite kurubegin to blow
吹かす (fukasu /-su; fukashita/)smoke [a cigarette],rev (an engine); [blow into]
雷 kamínarìthunder, thunderbolt
鳴る naru /-u; natta/[something] sounds; to ring (vi.)
鳴らす narasu /-su; narashita/to make [something] sound; to ring (vt.)
雷が鳴る kamínarì ga ‘naruit thunders
時差出勤 jisá-shùkkinstaggered work hours
閉めておかなくても shîmet(e) okánàkute moalso (or even) not having shut (in advance)
閉めておかなくても大丈夫だ shîmet(e) okánàkute mo daíjòubu dadoesn't have to shut (in advance) (lit. even not having shut will be all right)
日 hi / hîday; sun
日によって hi ni yottedepending on the day
日によって違う hi ni yotte chigaudiffer depending on the day
いらっしゃらなくても irássharànakute moalso (or even) not having gone/come/been there
いらっしゃらなくてもいい irássharànakute mo îidoesn't have to go/come/be there (honorific)
差 saa gap, difference (between two things)
出勤する (shukkin-suru)being at work/working (at an office, etc.)
時差ぼけ jisa-bokejetlag (being addled from the time difference)
汁 shîrusoup
洪水 kouzuiflooding
晴れている hârete (i)rube/is clear
時差 jisatime difference
しなくてもいい shinakute mo ii?Is it ok if I don't do it?
稲妻 inazumalightning (bolt)
随分降る zuibun fururain/snow quite a lot (coming down)
出勤する shukkin-surugoing to work, being at work
出席 shussekibe present (for class, etc.)
欠席 kessekibe absent (for class, etc.)
退勤する (taikin-suru)clock out, go home from work
嫌な天気 iyâ na tenkiunpleasant weather
呆ける bokêru /-ru; bokêta/get senile, befuddled; play dumb