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level: Gravitational fields

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Gravitational fields

Work doneM x Change in V (gravitational potential)
What is the force proportional to. two equationsm1 x m2 1/r^2 r = distance between the two masses
What is the force with the gravitational constant, also known as the inverse square lawG x m1 x m2 / r^2
What is the gravitational field constant6.67x10^-11
Gravitational field strength with F and mg = F / m
Gravitational field strength with G m and rg = G x m / r^2
What are the three types of satelliteGeostationary, Geosynchronous, polar orbits
What are the characteristics of a geostationary satelliteAbove equator Same period and direction as earth spin Stays above one point of the earth
What are the characteristics of a geosynchronous satelliteSame period as earths spin In same place every 24 hours
What are the characteristics of a polar orbit satelliteGoes pole to pole Goes low and fast Covers lots of earths surface Used for weather and spying
Gravitational field energyGPE x m Gravitational potential energy x mass
Gravitational potential energyVg = Gm / r
Work donem x v x g