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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What is the definition of flowthe volume of fluid passing a given point per unit time
What is the definition of velocitythe rate of movement of fluid particles along the tube
What determines the flowPressure difference between the 2 ends of the vessel
What determines the flow resistanceNature of fluid ( viscosity ) The vessel e.g. length and cross sectional area
What causes turbulent flowAs the velocity increases, the velocity gradient breaks down and leads to fluid tumbling over and flow resistance greatly increases
What is viscocityThe extent which fluid layers resist sliding over each other Higher viscocity leads to slower central layers leading to slower average velocity
What are some vessels with low ressistanceArteries , veins, venules
What vessels have high resistanceArterioles Individual Capillaries --> however capillaries are in parallel which leads to the overall resistance being low
What factors affect the systolic pressure ( maximum arterial pressure )Cardiac Output ( how hard the heart pushes it ) Total peripheral resistance How much compliance the arteries have
What factors affect the diastolic pressure ( minimum arterial pressure )Total peripheral resistance Systolic pressure
What type of blood flow is normal?Laminar blood flow