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level: Extra Words (ku-ke-ko)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Extra Words (ku-ke-ko)

暮れる kureru /-ru; kureta/to get dark; to grow dark (end(of a day, year, season, etc.)
食いしん坊 kuíshinbòu /-na/glutton; gourmand (na-noun)
くぐる ・ 潜る kuguru /-u; kugutta/to pass under; get through (survive) (vt)
草 kusagrass
臭い kusâi /-katta/stink; smell bad (adj)
鎖 kusarichain
腐る kusâru /-u; kusâtta/to spoil; rot (vi)
串 kushia spit; skewer
櫛 kushia comb
籤 kûjia lottery; raffle, a draw (random game of chance used to choose such as drawing the shortest stick, or one with a mark on it)
くしゃみ ・ 嚏(をする) kushami (wo suru)a sneeze
屑 kûzuwaste; scrap; garbage / scum; piece of trash; loser
屑入れ (kuzuire)wastebasket, dustbin
擽る kusuguru /-u; kusugutta/to tickle
擽ったい kusuguttai /-katta/tickling ; be ticklish / embarrassing (adj)
崩す kuzusu /-u; kuzushita/ (vt)demolish; crumble (sth), pull down / (situation) disturb; to put into disorder / (body) to relax (one's pose); to make oneself at ease / (change) to break (a bill); make change (vt)
崩れる kuzúrèru /-ru; kuzúrèta/(object) collapses; to crumble / (self/situation) get out of shape; to lose one's shape; to become disorganized, untidy, break down (vi)
癖 kusehabit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice); tendency / peculiarity, mannerism; / a kink, wrinkle
くだ、かん (管) (kuda, kan)pipe; tube
下る kudaru /-u; kudatta/descend; to go down / be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) / pass (of time / surrender to / (in negative form) [not] be less than, inferior / pass out[down] the body [as in stool, etc.] (vi)
嘴 kuchibashi(bird) beak, bill
口笛 kuchibue (de fuku)whistle (sound made with the lips)
口紅 (=リップスティック ・ ルージュ) kuchibenilipstick
くっつける ・ くっ付ける kuttsukeru /-ru; kuttsuketa/to attach, stick together; paste or glue together / put things side-by-side (up next to one another) / (ido.) get someone hitched/married (vt)
くっつく ・ くっ付く kuttsuku /-u; kuttsuita/adheres to, ticks to/on. clings to / to keep close to; to go along with/ become intimate, involved with (vi)
靴磨き kutsúmigàkishining shoes
配る kubaru /-u; kubatta/distribute; hand out; to deliver / allot; allocate; place (staff, soldiers, etc.)/ (ki wo ~) pay attention
首輪 kubiwaa collar (i.e., for a dog) / a choker or necklace (for person)
組 kumi (as suffix on class -gumi)class (of students) (classifier) / group (of people); party; team/ a lot; bunch; set / a crime famil,syndicate (often as suffix on name) / a set (of items); assortment; deck (of cards)
組み合わせ kumiawasea combination or assortment / matching (in a contest); pairing / {math} combination
汲む kûmu /-u; kûnda/draw (water); ladle, dip, sccop up, pump up / pour (into a coup) [with a ladle] / (ido) consider (feelings, situation) and sympathize with
組む kûmu /-u; kûnda/to cross (legs or arms); to link (arms) / put together or assemble (from parts) / to produce (e.g. TV program) / to braid or plait (the hair) / to grapple; to wrestle (with an issue) / to unite; to join; to link in alliance (vt)
曇る kumôru /-u; kumôtta/to get cloudy, by cloudy, cloud over, fog up, be gloomy (expression)
悔しい kuyáshìi /-katta/feel annoyed and frustrated; regrettable (i.e. after losing a game), mortifying (adj)
繰り返す kuríkàesu /-u; kuríkàeshita/to repeat; do something over again; (or repeat back after what one says back to them)
苦しい kurúshìi /-katta/(feel) painful, be difficult tough, hard (situation) / distressing or stressful / tight (financial situation) (adj)
咥える kuwáèruto hold in one's mouth or in-between one's teeth (vt)
蛍光灯 keikoutoufluorescent light / (ido) a person who is slow to react, slow on the uptake (like a fluorescent lamp taking time to turn on)
稽古する (keiko-suru)to practice, to rehearse
刑事 keijia detective
婦警(さん) (夫人警察) fukei(san)a policewoman
指令センター (shirei sentaa)command center; dispatch
白バイ、 白バイ隊員 (shirobai / shirobai taiin)white-colored police motorcycle / motorcycle police (squad)
警視庁 keishichouMetro police department (in Tokyo)
交通整理 koutsuu seiritraffic control (organize)
掲示板 keijibanbulletin board; notice board
怪我 kegainjury
火傷 yakedoa burn; scald (injury)
切り傷 kirîkizua cut; gash (injury)
瘤 kobua bump, lump (from injury etc.)
骨折 kossetu (wo suru)a (bone) break; facture (injury)
擦り傷 surîkizua scrape, graze, abrasion (injury)
捻挫 nenzasprain (injury)
下校 gekou (suru)returning or coming home from school
景色 keshikiscenery
削る kezuru /-u; kezutta/to shave off (wood, etc.); sharpen (a pencil); to whittle, pare down, scrape off / cut down (a budge, expenses, staff, etc.)
けち kêchistingy, penny-pinching, cheapskate / mean-spirted / badluck, ill-omen (na-noun)
月食  ・ 月蝕 gesshokulunar eclipse
げっぷ geppua burp
蹴る kêru /-u; kêtta/to kick
煙い kemûi (-katta)smokey (adj)
煙 kemurismoke (fumes)
獣 kemono / kedamonobeast, animals
下痢 geridiarrhea
蹴飛ばす ketóbàsu /-u; ketóbàshita/to kick away; kick off; kick hard / (ido) refuse outright
見学する kenngaku (-suru)study by observation; field trip tour (to observe); tour (a factory) / (ido) sit out P.E. class and just watch
献血 kenketsu (suru)to donate/give blood
拳骨 genkotsuclinched fist
原子爆弾 génshi-bakùdanatomic bomb
見物 kenbutu (suru)sightseeing; watching (spectate); (+kyaku) sightseer; spectator
鯉幟 koínòboricarp streamers/banner (esp. hung up for children's day)
更衣室 kouishitsuchanging room/ dressing room (at school, gym, etc.)
公園 kóuèn(public) park
公害 kougaipublic nuisance; contamination or pollution (noise, etc.)
コンセント kónsènto (short for konsentorikku puragu)power outlet (plug)
転ぶ korobu /-u; koronda/to fall down; fall over / (situation) falls, plays out
コロッケ korokke(food) croquette (panko covered and fried potato, corn and spices)
殺す korôsu /-u; korôshita/to kill (vt)
転がす korogasu /-u; korogashita/to roll (something), to wheel, to drive (a car) / to turn over, tip over / to buy and sell quickly (turn over product) (vt)
転げる korogeru /-ru; korogeta/ (vi)(something ) rolls / rolls over / roll about (laughing) (vi)
工作 kousaku (suru)handicraft / work or construction (manufacturing) / maneuvering
工事 kôujiconstruction work / (+chuu) under construction
公衆便所 koushuubenjopublic toilet/lavatory
行進 koushin (-suru)march (in a procession/line); parade
高層ビル kóusoubìruskyscaper
高速道路 kousokudouroexpressway, highway
交代 koutai (-suru)take turns, substitution (sports), alternate, change
交通標識 (koutsuu hyoushiki)traffic sign
校庭 kôuteischoolyard, playground, school grounds or campus
好物 kôubutsua favorite dish/food
興奮 (する) koufun (suru)exceitment; stimulation; agitation / get/be excited
紅葉 kouyou (-suru)autumn colors / leaves; maple leaves (of red/orange colors); leaves turning red
号令 (する) gourei (-suru)order, command / (school) ritual bowing at start and end of class
超える koeru /-ru; koeta/to cross over, pass through, go beyond (vt-affective [movement verb])
凍る kooru /-u; kootta/to freeze over;turn to ice, to congeal (vi)
焦がす kogâsu /-u; kogâshita/to burn, scorch, singe or char (vt)
漕ぐ kôgu /-u; kôida/to row (a boat); to pedal (a bike); to swing (on a swing); to operate a hand pump
黒板 kokubanblackboard
苔 kokemoss
こけし ・ 小芥子 kokêshilimbless wooden doll originally from touhoku region
凍える kogoeru /-ru; kogoeta/to freeze (body); be forzen, become numb (with cold) (vi)
茣蓙 gôzarush matt; matting (lay down outdoors usu.)
腰を抜かす (koshi wo nukasu /-u; nukashita/)(exp) can't stand up due to fear or surprise / (literal) throw out your back
擦る kosuru /-u; kosutta/to rub; scrub / strike (a match)
国旗 kokkinational flag
こっそり kossori(adv) stealthily (trying not to make a noise), in secret
小包 kozûtumiparcel, (small) package
粉 konaflour, powder, dust
捏ねる koneruto kneed, fix with fingers / quibble, argue for argument sake
ご褒美 (go)houbia reward
ゴム (gomû)rubber (material) / (= keshi~ a pencil eraser)
毛糸 keitoball of yarn, yarn
小雨 kosamelight rain
子供部屋 (kodomobeya)children's room
小人 (kobito)small person; dwarf
剣 kensword
コロコロ ・ ころころ (korokoro)rolling of small and round thing (sound) / ribbit (sound) / chrip of insects (sound) / pleasant high picthed laughter (sound)
ゴーゴー ・ ごうごう googoo / gougouthunderous; rumbling (sound) (of the river)
こしょこしょ ・ こそこそ (koshokosho / kosokoso)secret whispers (sound)
こつん kotsun (to)with a bump; with a clunk (sound. pebble hitting rock)
ごろごろ (gorogoro)something large and heavy starting to roll (sound)
ごろごろ (gorogoro)rumbling, thundering (clouds)
ごくごく gôkugôkuin big gulps (sound)
ククク ・  クックックッ (kukuku)with a giggle or chuckle (sound of laugh)
こわごわ (恐々) kowagowafearfully; timidly; cautiously (adv-to)
ぐにゃぐにゃ gunyagunyaflabby; limp; soft and pliable (gitaigo)
ぐらぐら (guragura)wobbling; tottering; shaking; unstably / dithering (indecisive) / (head) swimming, dizzily (gitaigo)
ごちゃごちゃ gochagochamessy; confused; chaotic; disorderly; mixed-up / complaining about things (gitaigo)
くねくね kunekunewinding; meandering; wriggling; wiggling; waving; swaying (gitaigo)
隠れん坊 kakúrènbohide-and-seek (game); hide-and-go-seek
コック kôkkuchef, cook
薬箱 kusúribàkomedicine box (or for first-aid)
けちん坊 kechinbo(u)cheapskate, miser
強情 goujou (-na)headstrong, obstinate (na-noun)
首をかしげる kubi wo kashigeru /-ru; kashigeta/Bend your head to the side (in doubt or confusion)
(お)稽古 (o)keikopractice; rehearsal (from tea ceremony to dance to MA)
子守唄 komoriutalullaby
(お)小遣い (o)kozûkaiallowance (money), small spending money
黒子 (黒衣) kurogo(in theater/kabuki/tv) stage assistant dressed in black who you are supposed to pretend doesn't exist
けん玉 (kendama)japanese cup and ball game, bilboquet
駒 kômapiece (in shogi, chess, etc.)
独楽 komaa top (toy)
構内放送 (kóunai housòu)on premise broadcast (i.e. announcement at school, station, work, etc.)
加える kuwaeru /-ru; kuwaeta/ (vt)to add (to something existing) / increase, gather (speed) / include in (a group), let join / to inflect or deal (damage) to (vt)
加わる (kuwawaru /-u; kuwawatta/ vi)be added to, append /join in (e.g. a group of friends); to participate / increase (e.g. heat); to gain in (e.g. influence, speed) (vi)
下り列車 kudari-resshadown-train (train heading toward the terminal point/station)
下品 gehin /na/vulgar, course, crude, low-quality (na-noun)
下車 gesha (suru)getting off (train, bus, etc. ); getting out of (car). alighting
交流 kouryuu (suru)exchange (cultural), interaction, mingling, coming together (suru) (elec.) AC current
件名 kenmei(mail/email) subject line title, subject
健康診断 kenkoushindanphysical exam
国際 kokusaiinternational
外科 gekasurgery (or department in hospital as opposed to naika)
工業 kougyou(manufacturing) industry
項目 koumokuan item (on a list), category, heading / (dictionary) headword, entry
金持ち kanemochirich person, be rich
郊外 kougaisuburbs (residential area outside of the city)
貸し出し / 貸出 kashidashilending, loaning (i.e. from library, etc.)
組み立てる kumitateru /-ru; kumitateta/assemble, put together (from parts), construct (vt)
現金 genkincash (not credit)
片道 katamichione-way trip / one-way ticket
混雑 konzatsu (suru)congestion, crowding, jam / confusion, disorder (suru) get jammed, crowded
改行 kaigyou (suru)(computer) new line (carriage return) / paragraph break (suru) make a new line/paragraph
経由 keiyu (suru)going through, via, by way of / (de/suru)
耕運機 kóuùnkicultivator, farm tractor, till