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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

possess hormonal activity especially in gut hormonesNeuropeptides
Excitatory NeurotransmittersGlutamate and Aspartate
Inhibitory NeurotransmittersGlycine and GABA
CatecholaminesDopamine, Epi/Norepi
IndoleaminesSerotonin, Melatonin
opiodsEnkephalins, Endorphins, Dynorphins
TachykininsSubstance P, Neurokinin
Neuropeptidesopioids, tachykinins, gut peptides
Excitatory action of AchNicotinic Receptor
Inhibitory action of AchMuscarinic Receptor
involve secondary messengerMetabotrophic
Ligand-gated ion channelsIonotropic
detect the rise in CalciumSynaptotagmin
Soluble NSF Attachment ProteinSNAP
N-ethylmalemide Sensitive Fusion ProteinNSF
contain synaptotagmin and synaptobrevinVesicular membrane
contain syntaxin and SNAP-25Presynaptic Membrane
contain syntaxin and SNAP-25Presynaptic Membrane
autoimmune disease assoc with small cell lung carcinoma which do not have ABs against presyn. VG Calcium chLambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
symptoms improve after repeated muscle use in contrast with MGLEMS
neurotoxin from C. botulinum which is a zinc protease and cleaves SNARE proteinsBotox
major symptoms: proximal muscles weaknessLEMS
CM: Flaccid skeletal muscle paralysisBotulinum toxicity
CM: Flaccid skeletal muscle paralysisBotulinum toxicity
enzyme needed to convert A-coa and Choline to AchCholine-acetyltransferase
rate limiting step of syn of AchCholine transport
2 major constellations of cholinergic neurons in brainBasal forebrain constellation of Choli neurons and Dorsolateral pontine tegmental constellation of cholinergic neurons
liberates choline and acetateAcetylcholinesterase
taken up by neuron againCholine
treated with drugs that inhibit AcetylcholinesteraseAlzheimer's disease
autoimmune disease where there is AB-mediated destruction of Ach receptors and complement-mediated lysis of muscular CM at NMJMyasthenia Gravis
assoc with Thymoma (w/c req surgery)Myasthenia Gravis
occurs when there is overstimulation of cholinergic neurons (both M and N rec)Cholinergic crisis
used as insecticides which exposure can cause cholinergic crisisOrganophosphates
other causes of CCrisisingestion of Amanita mushroom, overdose, nerve gas agents
Classic manifestation of CCSLUDGE BBB DM
treatment for CCAtropine and Pralidoxine (wlc react Acetylcholinestrase)
arise from exposure to drugs that block Ach receptors such as AtropineAnti-C toxicity
symptoms of AC toxicitydilated pupils, dec secretions, hyperthermia, tachy, arrythmias
syn in neuronal RER where it is conv to PropeptidePrepropeptides
carry the propeptides along axon to nerve terminalFast axonal transport via Microtubule and kinesins (40 mm/day)
transported along axon to NT by slow anterograde transport (0.5-5mm/day)Small mol
Symptoms of botulinum toxicityDiplopia, ptosis, dysphagia, dysarthria
provides cholinergic innervation to entire neocortexBasal forebrain constellation
possess central Ach that contribute to drowsiness and grogginess patients experiencedDiphenyhydramine and Hydroxyzine
Drugs that are Acetylcholineterase inhibitors w/c prolongs action of AchDonepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine
enhance the activity of basal forebrain in response to dopamineNucleus Accumbens
contains chollinergic neurons that project to basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, reticular formation and deep cerebrellar nucleiDorsolateral tegmentum of pons (pedunculopontine area)
Major func of pedunculopontine areaRegulation of forebrain activity during sleep