crines, crinium (m) | hair |
speculum, -i (n) | mirror |
neglegenter (adv) | carelessly |
vexatus, -a, -um | annoyed |
porcus, -i (m) | pig |
cuius | whose |
glis, gliris (m) | dormouse |
sella, -ae (f) | sedan, chair |
summa cleritate | with the greatest speed |
consurso (1) | to run to and fro |
porto (1) | to carry |
delecto (1) | to delight, to amuse |
mendicus, -i (m) | beggar |
adstantes, adstantium (m pl) | by standers |
rixa, -ae (f) | quarrel |
finis, finis (m) | end |
libertus, -i (m) | freedman |
fumus, -i (m) | smoke |
recumbo, recumbere, recubui | to recline, to lie down |
aufugio, aufugere, aufugi | to run away, to escape |
insula, -ae (f) | island, apartment building |
vis (f) | force |
ac | and |
incendium, -i (n) | fire |
incola, -ae (f) | inhabitant, tenant |
infirmus, -a, -um | weak, shaky, frail |
fenestra, -ae | window |
ornamenta, -orum (n pl) | furnishings |
tam (adv) | so |
parvus, -a, -um | small |
tabulatum, -i (n) | story, floor |
paene (adv) | almost |
eicis, eicere, eieci, eiectus | to throw out |
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus | to seek, to ask for, to look for (quaeso = "please" |
opprimo, opprimee, oppresi, oppressus | to overwhelm |
cachinnus, -i (m) | laughter |
lanius, -i (m) | butcher |
caro, carnis (f) | meat |
perna, -ae (f) | ham |
pretium, -i (n) | price |
quidem (adv) | indeed |
umquam (adv) | ever |
procax, procacis | insolent, pushy |
autem (conj) | however, but |
multus, -a, -um | much |
punguis, -is, -e | fat |
denarius, -i (m) | denarius |
immo (adv) | rather, on the contrary |
lepus, leporis (m) | hare, rabbit |
gratis (adv) | free |
recte (acd) | rightly, properly |
vero (adv) | truly |
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus | to feed, to pasture |
addo, addere, addidi, additus | to add |
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | to receive, to get |
comparo, (1) | to buy, to obtain, to get ready |
holus, holeris (n) | vegetable |
panis, panis (m) | bread |
ovum, -i (n) | egg |
malum, -i (n) | apple |
circum (prep + acc) | around |
regnum, -i (n) | kingdom |
inferi, -orum (m pl) | the underworkd |
candelabrum, -i (n) | lamp stand |
casu (adv) | by chance |
oleum -i (n) | oil |
stratum, -i (n) | sheet, covereing |
pallium, -i (n) | cloak |
iussa, -orum (n pl) | orders |
coquo, coquere, coxi, coctus | to cook |
affero, affere, attuli, allatus | to bring in |
everto, evertere, everti, erversus | to overturn, upset |
deicio, deicere, deieci, deictus | to throw down |
effundo, effundere, effudi, effus | to pour out, to spill |
complures, -es | several, many |
comiter (adv) | courteously, politely |
solea, -ae (f) | sandal |
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus | to carry away |
accumbo, accumbere, accubui, accubiturus | to recline (at table) |
mulsum -i (n) | sweet wine |
ferculum, -i (n) | dish, tray |
gustatio, gustationes (f) | first course |
niger, nigra, nigrum | black |
boletus, -i (m) | mushroom |
liquamen, liquaminis (n) | fish sauce (garum) |
aspersus, -s, -um | sprinkled |
pestilentia, -ae (f) | plague |
poculum, -i (n) | cup, goblet |
locus, -i (m) | place |
popina, -ae (f) | tavern, bar, restaurant |
edo, esse, edi esus (irreg) | to eat |
compleo, complere, complevi, completus | to fill |
irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus | to burst in |
frustrum, -i (n) | scrap |
una (adv) | together |
ceteri, -ae, a | the rest of, the others |
Euge! | hurray! well done! |
coquus. -i (m) | cook |
uva, -ae (f) | grape |
passum. -i (n) | raisin-wine |
scindo, scinere scidi, scissus | to cut |
forte (adv) | by chance |
proximus, -a, -um | nearest |
luna, -ae (f) | moon |
tamquam (conj) | just as if |
meridie (adv) | noon |
situs, -a, -um | situated |
inter (prep + acc) | between, among |
stela, -ae (f) | tombstome |
numero,(1) | to count |
vestimentum, -i (n) | clothing |
ululo (1) | to howl |
anima, -ae (f) | soul, spirit, heart |
nasus, -i (m) | nose |
lapideus. -a, -um | of stone, stony |
umbra, -ae (f) | shadow, ghost |
donec (adv) | until |
prius (adv) | earlier |
pecus, pecoris, (n) | livestock |
vulnero, (1) | to wound |
sanguis, sanguinis (m) | blood |
medicus _i (m) | doctor |
versipellis, verspillis (m) | werewolf |
postea (adv) | afterward |
gusto (1) | to taste |
exuo, exuere, exui, exutus | to take off |
procedo, procedere, processi, processurus | to go forward |
careo, carere, carui, cariturus | to need, to lack (takes the ablative) |
derideo, deridere, derisi, derisus | to laugh at, to get the last laugh |
vestis, vestis (f) | clothes |
ago, agere, egi, actum | to do, to act |
minuo, minuere, minui, minitus | to lessen, to reduce, to decrease |
triclinium, -i (n) | dining room |
reprehendo, reprehendere, preprehendi, reprehensus | to blame, to scold |