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level: Group 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 3

UnobtrusiveOrdinary, not attracting, not conspicuous or attracting attention
DiscreetCareful in one's speech or actions to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment
PeriphrasticIndirect and circumlocutory(using more words where fewer would do especially in an attempt to be vague)
ElitistSupporting the view that the society needs to be led by an elite
ExactDemand and obtain from someone
FlummoxedBewildered, perplexed, confused
Inbornexisting from birth
PolymathA person with wide knowledge or learning
reticentNot revealing one's feelings or thoughts readily
StringentStrict, severe and exacting
Subservientprepared to obey someone unquestioningly
SurreptitiousKept secret because it will not be approved
TantalizingTeasing at the sight or promise of something unobtainable; exciting one's sense or desires
TantamountEquivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as, as good as
TorporLethargy; state of inactivity
IncisiveIntelligent and clear thinking; quick and direct; sharp
TrenchantVigorous and incisive in expression or style; having a sharp edge
UmbrageCause annoyance or offensive
VersatileAble to adapt to many different activities
WaywardDifficult to control or predict because of willful behaviour
AlienateMake someone isolated or estranged; transfer ownership to someone
AproposAppropriate, with reference to
AptSuitable; having a tendency to do something, quick to learn
ConsensusA general agreement
DistortPull or twist out of shape; give a misleading or false account of impression
EnchantFill with great delight, charm
EntrenchEstablished so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
ExoticOriginating from distant foreign country, attractive or striking because of colorful or extraordinary
ForeseeableAble to be predicted
ForsakeAbandon or leave, give up