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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

State basic properties of cells1. highly complex and organized 2.possess a genetic program and the means to use it 3.capable of reproducing more of them 4.acquire and utilize energy 5.carry out chemical reaction 6.involve in mechanical activities 7.respond to stimuli 8.capable of self regulation
explain/prove /example that cells are highly complex and organized- cell structure similar in various organism -each cell type have consistent appearance -organelles have particular shape and location -cells have similar BASIC processes in all living organisms
explain that cells have genetic program and the means to use iteach cell have genes that construct their cellular structures also can direct cell activities or process.
describe cells are capable of reproducing more of themselves.cell reproduce through mitosis and meiosis where mother cell will produce 2 ddaughter cell . Each daughter cell receive complete set of genetic materials and equal volume of cytoplasm except in egg production
describe cell acquire and utilize energylight energy trapped by photysentetic cell and be convert to chemical energy. For most animal cells the energy often arrive in form of glucose. Energy is stored in form of ATP . Energy is required for cell to develop and maintain complexity.
describe cells carry out chemical reactionsall chemical changes takes place in cell require enzymes. the total sum of chemical changes of the cell represents cell metabolism.
describe cells engage in mechanical activitiesmaterials are transported from place to place , structure are assemble and rapidly disassemble , the cell moves from one site to another site, organelles move . All of these are initiated by motor proteins that require constant energy.
describe cell respond to stimulimost cell covered with receptors sense environment they react in highly specific way. For example the receptors interact with hormone, growth factors , extracellular materials , surface of other cells . Cell may initiate specific respond such as metabolic activities , cell division, movement and death.
describe cell capability of self regulationto maintain its complexity and organization. Information reside in nuclei carried out primarrily by proteins .
what are the common features of Prokaryotes and eukaryotes- Both have similar plasma membrane construction -both have DNA as genetic material -Both have similar trancription and translation process -Both have similar metabolic pathway -Both have similar energy conservation in form of ATP
what are the features that only found eukaryotes-have membrane bound nucleus, nuclear envelope containing complex pore structure -numerous chromosome consisting of linear DNA tightly associated with histone protein -complex membranous cytoplamic organelles . -specialized cytoplasmic organelles for specialized activities -complex cytoskeleton -cell division by a mictrotubule containing mitotic spindle to separate the chromosome.
example of eurkaryotes organismunicellular (protist) and multicellular
describe multicellular organismsorganisms that different types of specialized cells to conduct different activities
how does the different types of specialized cells formedthrough cell differentiation
how does the differentiation take place to formed certain specific cell ?it depends primarily on signals received from environment . The gene expression where a process by which infromation from gene is used to synthesize a functional gene product which enable it to produce end product , protein or non coding protein . Also the position of embryo plays important factors.
are all cell have similar appearance and content , if no or yes , whyno they have distinctive appearance and content for varied functions. They have similar organelles but may differ in number , appearance and location which correlates with cell activities.
what is haematopoietic stem cells , hscthe haematopoietic stem cells ,HSC can be found in bone marrow is a blood foerming cells.
what are the function of the Haematopoietic stem cells , HSCto regenerate patient own blood forming bone marrow tissue and replacing patient blood cells
define totipotentable to develop in any direction give rise to cells of all order
define unipotentable to develop in one direction give rise to one cell type.
define pluripotentable to develop into several or more types of cells.
example of totipotent cellsembryonic stem cells
example of adult / somatic stem cellHCS, neural stem cells , epidermal stem cell
define induced pluripotent stem cell and the functionthey are artificially derived from somatic cells which are not pluripotent in nature by inserting certain genes . To make them identical to the natural pluripotent cells .
plasma membrane are composed of .....phospholipids and cholestrol , with a mosiac of proteins and glycolipids embedded in the lipid bilayer
what is the function of the dynamic structure of the plasma membraneto make them mobile
state the functions of membrane1. compartmentalization 2. sacffold for biochemical activities 3. selective pemearble membrane 4. transport 5. responding to external signal 6. energy production 7. intercellular interaction
what IS THE NAME disease is asscociated with the mutation in gene coding for K+ ion channels and its clinical consequenceslong QT SYNDROME (INHERITED DISEASES) THAT WILL CAUSE DIZZINIES AND SUDDEN DEATH
what IS THE NAME disease is asscociated with the mutation in gene coding for Cl - ion channels and its clinical consequencesCystic fibrosis that causes lung congestion and infections
describe cytoplasm- located outside the nucleus membrane and enclosed within the plasma membrane - consists of cytosol and cellular organelles - acts as medium for mechanical and chemical reactions
describe nuclear envelope- double layer membrane , serves a s barrier between the nucleus and cytoplasm - continuous with ER
THE FUNCTION OF THE NUCLEAR POREallowing the movement RNAs and proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm
define nucleoplasma fluid substance in which the solutes of nucleus are dissolved
describe nucleolusirregular shaped densestructure for the synthesis of ribosomal RNA and the assembly of ribosomes
describe nuclear laminadense filamentous meshwork that maintain nuclear shape and site of attachement for interphase chromatin . also organizing nuclear pore complex
describe nuclear matrixinsoluble fibrillar protein network -provide structural framework for organizing chromatin -facilitate trancription and replication
what is the function of NUCLEUS- control center of cell - contains DNA that is transferred from one generation of cell to the next generation during cell division
Nucleus is compose of...- nucleolus - nuclear lamina -nucleoplasm - nuclear envelope -nuclear pores -chromatin -nuclear matrix