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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Dominicus is in the houseDominicus est in casa
The sister, Claudia, and brother Julius, are also in the houseSoror, Claudia, et frater, Julius sunt quoque in casa
The mother tells a story to the girl and boys.Mater fabulam puellae et pueris narrat
The story is good and they are happyEst bona fabula et sunt laeti
Dinner is prepared and a servant carries an urnCena est parata et serva portat unum
With water to the tableCum aqua ad mensam
The woman completes the story and the girl and boys come to the tableFemina fabulam conficit et puella et pueri ad mensam vinet
Dominicus eats quickly and wants to go outsideDominicus cito cenat et foris ire vult
Benedictus comes and Dominicus asks his mother, "Can I go outside with my friend?"Benedictus advenit et Dominicus matrem rogat, "Possum ire cum amico meo?"
The mother agrees and Dominicus leavesMater consensit et Dominicus exit