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level: Midterm Review

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Midterm Review

Name the parts of the motor?A. Brushes B. Commutator C. Stator D. Rotor
Name the different types of motors for best equipped in A, B, and C?A. Brushless B. Solenoid C. Stepper
The characteristics of this motor are: -Full on/off -Simple design and construction -BinarySolenoid Actuator
The characteristics of this motor are: -Fast response/high speed -Low heat generation -Long life -Lightweight -QuietDC Brushless
The characteristics of this motor are: -Discrete steps -Doesn't require feedback -High start torque -Holding torqueStepper
What type of motor is typically powered and controlled by a variable frequency drive?AC Motor
What primary physical principle governs the operation of a typical solenoid actuator?Reluctance
What primary physical principle governs the operation of a voice coil actuator?Lorentz force
How many unique angular positions can be measured using a 10-bit absolute encoder with 10 independent codewheel channels?1024
How many unique angular positions can be measured using a 3-bit incremental encoder with 3 independent codewheel channels?One
Name the three types of stepper motors?Permanent magnet, variable reluctance, hybrid
Name the two most common types of stepper motor winding configurations?Bipolar, unipolar
Which term in a PID controller is used to bring the error between desired control setpoint and the measured trajectory of a process variable to exactly zero?Integral
Which term in a PID controller behaves like a software spring?Proportional
Which term in a PID controller leads to a large overshoot if weighed too heavily?Proportional
Which term in a PID controller is sensitive to noisy process variable measurements?Derivative
Which term in a PID controller behaves like a brake?Derivative
Which term in a PID controller has large closed-loop response time?Integral
Which term in a PID controller can be used to reduce closed-loop response time?Derivative
Which term in a PID controller is sometimes known as the predictive term?Derivative
True or false: One-phase squirrel cage induction motors cannot start spinning from a motionless state(self-starting)?True
True or false: A typically off-the-shelf hobby servo uses a potentiometer, rather than an incremental encoder, for velocity feedback?False, it's position feedback
True or false: A universal motor is a type of asynchronous non-excited AC motor which can also be powered by a DC supply?False, it's synchronous
True or false: A brushed DC series wound motor can generate very large torque at low speeds and should never be operated under a no-load condition?True
True or false: Permanent magnet brushed DC motor can operate above their rated voltage but only for a limited duration dictated by their characteristic thermal time constant?True