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level: E-H

Questions and Answers List

level questions: E-H

EgoismEgoism - n.—the ethical view that one ought to act out of regard for his own benefit or welfare.
EgotismEgotism - n.—the personal trait of behaving as though one's own interests were of supreme or sole importance.
EfficaciousEfficacious - adj.—producing or sure to produce the desired effect; effective; powerful; adequate.
EludeElude - v.— to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery, etc.; evade.
EulogyEulogy - n.—speech or writing in praise of someone esp. dead person; praise.
ExegeticalExegetical - adj.—pertaining to the detailed analysis and linguistic meaning of specific texts of Scripture.
FastidiousFastidious - adj.—hard to please; discriminating; particular.
FatuousFatuous - adj.—very silly, idiotic
GarrulousGarrulous - adj.—(frivolously) talkative
GregariousGregarious - adj.—fond of company, sociable, living in flocks.
HarangueHarangue - n.—vehement speech; tirade
HermeneuticHermeneutic - n.—a method of interpreting Scripture or the principles of doing so.