Polar | Thyroid Hormone is Polar or Non-Polar? |
T4- Thyroxine
T3- Triiodothyronine | Thyroid Hormone has 2 types, what are these? |
Thyroid Follicular Epithelial Cells | Where is Ioidne formed in the Thyroid Gland? |
Na-Iodine Symporter | Type of transporter of Iodine to follicular cells |
Organification | Process by which iodine is attached to tyrosine AA in thyroglobulin |
Non-polar | T3 and T4 is polar or non-polar |
Pendrine | transporter of iodide ion to lumen |
Both | Tyrosine is polar or non-polar |
Thyrotoxicosis | Too much Thyroid Hormone in your system |
Hypothyrodism | Glandular destruction or hormone deficiency |
Hypothyroidism | High TSH |
Hyperthyroidism | Low TSH |
TSH | Principal marker for thyroid function |
subclinical hyperthyroidism | Normal T4 level |
overt hyperthyroidism | High T4 level |
overt hypothyroidism | Low T4 level |
By protein carrier (Thyroid binding globulin) | If T3 and T4 are non-polar how can it be transported in the blood? |
Polar - H20 soluble | Hydroxyl group makes Tyrosine more _______ |
Hypothalamic TRH | TSH levels are regulated by |
anterior pituitary gland | tsh is secreted by what gland |
Calcitonin | parafollicular cells secrete what hormone |