publicus , publica, publicum | public, common |
aequus , aequa, aequum | equal, fair, favourable, calm |
altus , alta, altum | high, deep |
angustus , angusta, angustum | narrow, confined |
attonitus , attonita, attonitum | astonished, thunder-struck |
bonus , bona, bonum | good |
carus , cara, carum | dear |
certus , certa, certum | certain, sure, fixed |
clarus , clara, clarum | clear, famous, distinguished |
cunctus , cuncta, cunctum | all, whole |
cupidus , cupida, cupidum + gen | eager (for), greedy |
defessus , defessa, defessum | tired |
dexter , dextra, dextrum | right, on the right, right hand |
dignus , digna, dignum + abl | worthy (of), deserving (of) |
dirus , dira, dirum | dreadful |
dubius , dubia, dubium | doubtful, wavering, uncertain |
durus , dura, durum | hard, harsh, rough |
idoneus , idonea, idoneum | suitable, convenient |
iniquus , iniqua, iniquum | unfair, unjust, unfavourable |
invitus , invita, invitum | unwillling, reluctant |
iratus , irata, iratum | angry |
iustus , iusta, iustum | right, just, lawful, complete |
laetus , laeta, laetum | happy, glad |
latus , lata, latum | wide, broad |
lentus , lenta, lentum | slow |
longus, longa, longum | long |
magnus , magna, magnum | big, large, great |
malus , mala, malum | evil, bad |
medius , media, medium | middle (of) |
meus , mea, meum | my |
miser , misera, miserum | miserable, wretched, sad |
multus , multa, multum | much, many |
nonnulli , nonnullae, nonnulla | some, several |
notus , nota, notum | known, well-known, famous |
novus , nova, novum | new, fresh, recent |
nullus , nulla, nullum | no, none, not any |
parvus , parva, parvum | small |
peritus , perita, peritum + gen or abl | skilled (in) |
perterritus , perterrita, perterritum | very frightened, terrified |
plenus , plena, plenum | full, filled |
plerique , pleraeque, pleraque | most, the majority |
postremus , postrema, postremum | last |
potens , potentis | powerful |
primus , prima, primum | first, chief |
proximus , proxima, proximum | nearest, next, last |
quantus? , quanta, quantum | how big? how much? |
rectus , recta, rectum | straight, direct, right, proper |
reliquus , reliqua, reliquum | the rest of, the other |
saevus , saeva, saevum | savage, cruel |
secundus , secunda, secundum | following, next, second, favourable |
solus , sola, solum | alone, only, lonely, single |
stultus , stulta, stultum | stupid, foolish |
summus , summa, summum | highest, greatest, top (of) |
superus , supera, superum | upper, higher |
tacitus , tacita, tacitum | quiet, silent, in silence |
tantus , tanta, tantum | so great, such a great, so much |
totus , tota, totum | the whole, entire, all |
tutus , tuta, tutum | safe |
ullus , ulla, ullum | any |
ultimus , ultima, ultimum | furthest, last, utmost |
validus , valida, validum | strong, powerful |
verus , vera, verum | true, real |
vetus , veteris | old |
vivus , viva, vivum | alive, living |
pauci , paucae, pauca | few, a few |
ceteri , ceterae, cetera | the rest, the other |
liber , libera, liberum | free |
sinister , sinistra, sinistrum | left, on the left, unfavourable |