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level: abbreviation

Questions and Answers List

level questions: abbreviation

abbreviation (1)1. a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used to represent the whole.
abbreviation (2)2. an act of abbreviating; state or result of being abbreviated; reduction in length, duration, etc.; abridgment
abbreviation (3)3. a short phrase or the reduced form used to represent a larger, more complex idea, situation, set of beliefs, etc.
abbreviation synonym (1)abridgment
abbreviation synonym (2)abstract
abbreviation synonym (3)abstraction
abbreviation synonym (4)clipping
abbreviation synonym (5)compendium
abbreviation synonym (6)compression
abbreviation synonym (7)condensation
abbreviation synonym (8)contraction
abbreviation synonym (9)digest
abbreviation synonym (10)precis
abbreviation synonym (11)reduction
abbreviation synonym (12)sketch
abbreviation synonym (13)summary
abbreviation synonym (14)syllabus
abbreviation synonym (15)synopsis
abbreviation antonym (1)enlargement
abbreviation antonym (2)expansion
abbreviation antonym (3)extension
abbreviation antonym (4)lengthening
abbreviation antonym (5)augmentation