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Refers to the act of providing information and learning experiences for purposes of behavior change and improved health for the client is the totality of experiences which favorably influence habits, attitudes and knowledge relating to individual, community and racial health Is a process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family, and community wellbeing.Health education
learning experiences that helps promote the ability of the body to function accordingly.Physical health
The ability of an individual to cope with stress and strain as one faces the realities and challenges of life.Emotional health
The ability of an individual to make correct judgements or sound decisions to cope with situations or conditions affecting her daily activities.Mental health
The ability of an individual to relate well with others regardless of status or position.Social health
Recognizes the supernatural aspect of divine healing and the individuals' communion with his/her creatorSpiritual health
Certain key aspects of the process of health education:1 2 3 4 5 6
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 1It is planned opportunity of learning through information about health guided by specific goals, objectives, activities and evaluation criteria.
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 2It occurs in a specific setting
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 3It is a program of series or events that introduces concepts at appropriate learning levels.
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 4It is based on what was previously learned in order to determine what is to be learned in the future.
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 5It comprehensively emphasizes how the various aspects of health interrelate and how health affects the quality of life.
Certain key aspects of the process of health education: 6It includes interaction between the qualified educator and learner
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to:1 2 3 4 5
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to: 1Be aware of the values of health
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to: 2Develop the skills in the promotion and maintenance of health
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to: 3Acquire and apply concepts and information received
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to: 4Develop and discuss opinions regarding health
Health educators plan and conduct health teachings for the following purposes, which is for clients to: 5Formulate accurate and effective decision-making
Purposes of Health education:1 2 3 4 5 6
Purposes of Health education: 1A means of propagating health promotion and disease prevention
Purposes of Health education: 2Used to modify or continue health behaviors as Necessary
Purposes of Health education: 3Provides health information and services
Purposes of Health education: 4Emphasizes good health habits and practives as an integral aspect of culture, media and technology
Purposes of Health education: 5A means to communicate vital information to the public
Purposes of Health education: 6It is also a form of advocacy
Types of health education:1 2 3
Types of health education: 1: information about human biology and hygiene the nurse provides health information about the human body and how to take care of it.Biological
Types of health education: 2: Health services which direct the individual regarding the "sensible" use of health care resourceshealth resources
Types of health education: 3: An environment which health choices are made. This is concerned with national, regional, and local education policies, which are often pursued and implemented without considering health consequences.Society and Environment
The four dimensions of educative process, namely:1 2 3 4
The four dimensions of educative process, namely: 1:Substantive or curricular dimension
The four dimensions of educative process, namely: 2Procedural or metodolicial dimension
The four dimensions of educative process, namely: 3Environmental or social dimension
The four dimensions of educative process, namely: 4Human relations or interactional dimension
Dimension of the educative process: refers to the subject matter specific to nursing education and is best embodied by the phrase with "what is taught and what is learned"Substantive or curricular dimension
Dimensions of the educative process:consists of strategies or methods of teaching which motivate students to learn.
Some of the more common challenges encountered by teachers in dealing with students in the course of the learning process are as follows:1 Choice of the most appropriate methods in helping the students learn 2 Identification of the method most likely to lead and direct learners in their own learning; and 3 Initiation of ways that continue the lifelong process of learning.
Dimension of the educative process: Refers to physical and social factors in the teaching-learning situation.Environmental or Social Dimension
Dimension of the educative process: Takes into account relationship of the nurse educator with individuals involved in nursing care practice, which influence the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process.Human relations dimension
For a long time, health care and teaching were pursued by?Religious orders
As is the health care and welfare norm, what did the sisters and priests did to the citizenry?Sisters and priests delivered the health bulletins to the citizenry
However, prior to the coming of the religious orders to the Philippines, what already had been tending o the health needs of the community"albularyos" or local doctors
Albularyos or local doctors relied on what ways of treating the sickIndigenous ways and materials of treating the sick