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level: Sleep disorders

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Sleep disorders

What is a primary disorder?Where the disorder is the problem
What is a secondary disorder?Where the probelm is a symptom of another disorder (depression)
What is naercolepsy?Disorder where you sleep excessive during the day, uncontrolable sleep attacks
Symptoms of narcolepsy?EDS (extreme daytime sleepiness) Hullucinations Cataplexy, loss of muscle power Sleep paralysis, awak or asleep
What cuases Narcolepsy?Low nurotransmitter hypocretin, used to keep us awake Tramua Evolution, survival behaviour when we are stressed Genes
What is acture insomnia?Cant sleep or staying asleep for a brief period of time
What is chronic insomnia?Cant sleep or stay alseep for 3 or more nights a week to 3 months
Symptoms of insomnia?Cant sleep Wake up through night Laying awake Not feeling refresehs after sleep Feeling irritable
What cuases insomnia?Lifestule, jetlag , work shifts etc Health conditions, depression, heart problems Medication, food or drink. Like beta-blockers - inhibit the release of melotonin.