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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Cervical spineWhat Vertebra are strong stout and big?
1. Hold shoulder steady & move rib cage over. 2. Stabilize rib cage & move scapula away from body.Shoulder What are the two ways to work on the shoulder?
sacrumWhat sits behind the pelvic bone?
Thorasic SpineWhat part of the spine is where we sit?
Art Of Equine Massage BodyworkWhat Does AEMB stand for?
DiscsWhat cushions the movement in all directions between each vertebra?
Imagery (Imagine what it looks like under skin)What is the key to good massage
longissimus Intercostalis Multifidi SpinolisWhat are the 4 major muscles
Keep other hand on withers while working the backWhere should you anchor to work on the back?
top of docWhere should you anchor to work on the lumbar?
Coxogial musclewhich muscle moves the tail?
The whole spine is tightWhat does it mean if tail is clamped?
Form And Function Make a mental note of how you want the horse to move and work in that directionWhat is functional vision?
Take out facia restriction or spasms.What does it mean to soften the muscle?
When they are soft and hydratedWhen can muscles slip by one another easily?
pushing in and down from throat latch to descending pec.What movement do you use when massaging the jugular grove?
Stay connectedIt is very important to do what, when moving from one area to another?
ridge on the medial side of scapula.Where is the subclavious muscle?
in elbowWhere should you use a flat broad hand?
push and pull with flat broad handWhat movement should you use to massage pec muscle in girth channel? ( Big open triangle )
Rotate at elbow and Point of shoulderHow do you mobilize the elbow joint?
Areas where spine changes form and functionWhat places are most vulnerable?
poll cervical spine withers thoracic spine lumbar sacrumWhat are the 6 main areas of the spine?
hole that feeds nerves through spinal columnWhat is the job of the dural tube?
Dural tubeWhat is the hole that the spinal column goes through?
SI sacral illiacWhat joint is not really a joint?
A canyon full of facial fibersWhat is a suture joint?
thoracic spineWhere does the rider sit? What part of the spine?
cervicalWhat spine do neck muscles connect to?
thoracal lumbar junctionWhat is the junction where the last rib attaches?
Internal organsWhat does the very long T.P in the lumbar build a shelter for?
LongissimusWhat muscle goes from poll to gluten muscle by dock?
Intercostalis iliocastalisWhat muscle connects to ribs and runs from withers to sacrum?
MultifidiWhat muscle sits between SP & TP & connects to both?
cervical, Thoracic, LumbarWhat are the 3 main areas of the spine?
7. Atlas, Axil, C3-C7How many bones are in the Cervical Spine?
Poll, C7/T1, T/L, Lumbar/ SacralWhat are the main points to check on the spine?
intercostals ( ilio= between ribs+ SP ( costallis= rib )What is the lowest muscle you you can see?
glutes, hamstrings, quadsWhat 3 main muscles are in hindquarters?
Psoas (So As)What is the core muscle that connects the hind legs to the spine?
Very long TP (traverse processes)What supports the pelvis connection to the spine?
SacrumWhat sits behind the pelvic bone?
Poll/Atlas C7/T1 Thoracial lumbar Junction (T/L) L/S Lumbar sacralWhat are the 4 most vulnerable spots on the spine?
SpinolisWhat muscle sits on top & interconnects the SP's
LongissimusWhat is the longest muscle in the body?
spinalisWhat muscle sits "on top"?
SP Spinious processes TP Tranverse processes B Body of Vertebra DT Dural tubeWhat do these mean? SP. B. TP. DT
SubclaviusWhat muscle runs on the cranial side of the scapula?
The pectoral muscles and subclaviusWhat makes up the thoracic sling?
Brachiocephalicus Omotransversarius SternomandibularisThe 3 main muscles that move the forelimb forward are...
The extension and retraction of the forelimb. ROM Range of motion in shoulder & elbow jointWhat is the goal of shoulder work?
The jugular groveWhat do the brachiocephalicus, omotransversarius and sternomandibularis form?
FaciaWhat wraps muscle bundles?
Scapula, humorous, and radiusWhat are the bones of the forelimb?
even gentle curveThe back should have an ..........along the top line, and muscles should be soft
downwardwhat kind of pressure should you NOT apply on the spine?
rehydrationWhat is essential for suppleness and full range of motion in the joint spaces, muscles, and fascia?
let go of excess tension, relax, and open upWhat are we helping the spine do?
SpineWhat is the life of the horse?
Triangle 5The sacral bone is what shape? And made made up of the last ..... vertebrae of the spinal column.
sacroiliac joint (SI)What is the articulation called connecting the sacrum to the pelvis?
Anatomy mobilize the jointsMuscles pull on bones to do what?
Anatomy a jointWhat does each muscle cross?
Anatomy PushWhat do muscles NOT do?
Anatomy The center of the horse's spineWhat is the medial line?
Anatomy the medial lineWhat anchors symmetry of the horses's body and movements?
Thorical lumbar junctionWhat junction is after the last rib and between the last thorical vertebra and the lst lumbar vertebra?
support pelvis connection to spineWhy are the tp VERY LONG in the lumbar?
The sacral bone(S & DOT) (pg. 15) What bone is a triangular shaped bone made up of the last 5 vertebrae of the spinal column?
last 5 vertebrae of the spinal column(S & DOT) pg 15 What is the triangular shaped sacral bone made up of?
connects the sacrum to the lumbar spine.(S & DOT) pg 15 What does the lumbosacral joint do?
stability(S & DOT) pg. 15 What are the last five vertebrae of the spinal column fused for?
The SI or sacroiliac joint(S & DOT) pg. 15 What connects the sacrum to the pelvis?
symmetry and straightnessSacrum (Demo) What are we looking for in the sacrum?
Wait till it softens, then go down hindquarters and move energy out leg(demo) What should you do if you find a bump in the rump?
Stay connected and put hands on both sides with confidence!(demo)When moving into groin area, how should you do it?
withersWhat area of the thoracic spine has longer Spinous processes? (SP's)
cushions the bones, protects the nerves and allows for movement of the joints.(Back) pg. 13 What is the function of the disc of gel?
multifidi, spinalis, illiocostalis & longissimus(Back) pg. 13 .What 4 muscles stabilize the entire length of the vertebral column and move the back?
fascia(Back) pg. 13 What covers and separates the muscles?
Softening the fascia and the 4 muscles it covers. Multifidi, spinalis, illiocostalis & longissimus(Back) pg. 13 What is the "main emphasis" when working on the spine.?
strong ligaments(Back) pg. 13 The vertebral column is a series of bones that are bound together by what?
along the top line(Back) pg. 14 Where should the "even gentle curve" of the back be?
Realign and reset back to its natural position.(Back) pg. 14 What does "softening" the tissues allow the vertebral column to do?
Let go of excess tension, relax and open up and return to its intrinsic design.(Back) pg. 14 What are we trying to help the spine do?
dorsal-ventral movement rotational movement(Back) pg. 14 What are the 2 movements we want to encourage the spine to have?
Doc of Tail(S & DOT) pg 15 What is at the caudal end of the sacrum?
Superficial gluteal (glutes) Semitendinosus Longissimus(S & DOT) pg 15 What are three of the major muscles that have attachments on the dorsal sacrum?
The spine(S & DOT) pg. 15 What is the tail a part of?
Check the Psoas(demo) What should you check if your horse is having trouble short striding?
Adduction(HQT) pg. 16. what is it called when the hind limb steps towards the medial line of the body?
Abduction(HQT) pg. 16 The rotation which allows the hind limb to step away from the body is called:
Ball & Socket Joint(HQT) pg. 16 What type of joint is the hip joint?
Hindquarters(HQT) pg.17 What is the "motor" of the horse?
What 3 muscles can you manipulate from inside the thigh and up into the groin?(HQT) pg. 17 adductors, psoas and obturators
Up into the groin(HQT) pg 18 What is the best way to get to the Psoas?
The vertebral column(Ribcage) pg 19 What is the "ceiling" of the ribcage?
Sternum(HQT) pg 19 What is the "floor" of the ribcage?
Soften up the muscles in the ribcage.(Ribcage) pg. 19 How do you reset the horses' ability to breathe freely?
They are the movers for the breath(Ribcage) pg. 18 What do the diagonal muscles between the ribs do?