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level: documents used in despact and transport office

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level questions: documents used in despact and transport office

DESTINATION SHEETThis is used by Transport Offices that make their own deliveries and need to manage a large fleet of vehicles. This is usually prepared daily and assigns each vehicle and driver to a specific route
Information on a destination sheet includesThe driver’s name; The contents of the delivery; The destination.
DESTINATION SCHEDULEThis is given to each driver at the beginning of each day to outline all the deliveries that he/she will be expected to make.
DELIVERY NOTEThis contains the quantity, description and sometimes the cost of the goods being delivered. The driver of the delivery vehicle will obtain the buyer’s signature on a copy of this note and return it to the seller as evidence of delivery of the goods.
ADVICE NOTEAlso known as an advice of shipment, this is from the seller to the buyer to inform them that the goods ordered are on their way. This may also be accompanied by a copy of the invoice and a bill of lading.
BILL OF LADINGThis is presented to the shipper from the carrier or its representative, as evidence of a contract to carry the goods from the port of embarkation to the port of destination. This is also acts as a receipt of the transaction and serves as a title or proof of ownership of the consignment
Information contained in the bill of lading includesThe list of goods being transported; The number of packages; The name of the vessel/carrier; The dates of arrival and departure; Names of consignor and consignee; Names of ports of departure and destination
AIR WAYBILLThis document is also known as an air consignment note. It is used when the consignment is being transported by air. This represents a contract of carriage and a receipt for the consignment; however, it does not serve as proof of ownership
Insurance CertificateThis certificate represents a policy that was taken out to cover the loss or damage to the cargo during transportation. Coverage can also be taken out against delay and pilferage. Depending on the agreement, either the buyer or the seller may be responsible for taking out the insurance coverage.
Import and Export LicensesThese are documents issued by the Government, authorizing the going and coming of certain goods. Governments may issue these licenses in order to protect the environment or the economic stability of the nation.
The certificate of originThis is an international trade document that is used to verify the country that the goods are shipped from. This may be required because of established free trade areas and varying customs duty fees across the world. Some countries have also placed bans on goods coming from certain countries as well as imposing quotas which limit the amount of goods that can be imported.
Freight NoteThis is referred to as “freight notation”. It appears on invoices to tell who will pay or has paid for the freight and where. Examples of such notation are “freight paid” and “freight prepaid” and “freight payable and destination.”
Customs Entry FormThis form will be completed by an importer to declare information on the goods being brought into a country. The Customs Officer will assess the goods and levy the appropriate customs duty.