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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
To hurtDoler (o-ue)
PainEl dolor
NurseEl enfermero, la enfermera
To examine, to check injection, shotExaminar
Injection, shotLa inyeccion, Las inyecciones
MedicineLa medicina
CrutchesLas muletas
PillsLas pastillas
StitchesLas puntadas
X rayLa radiografia
To take an X raySacar una radiografia
PrescriptionLa receta
To prescriberecetar
brokenRoto -a
Emergency roomLa sala de emergencia
BloodLa sangre
WheelchairLa silla de ruedas
BandageLa venda
CastEl yeso
AccidentEl accidente
AmbulanceLa ambulancia
To fallCaerse
I fallMe caigo
You fallTe caes
He/she fellSe cayo
They fellSe cayeron
To crash intoChocar con
To cut oneselfCortarse
To hurt oneselfLastimarse
What happened to you?¿Qué te pasó?
To break, to tearRomperse
To twist, to sprainTorcerse (o-ue)
To trip (over)Tropezar (e-ie) (con)
ElbowEl codo
NeckEl cuello
BackLa espalda
ShoulderEl hombro
BoneEl hueso
WristLa muneca
MuscleEl musculo
KneeLa rodilla
AnkleEl tobillo
To moveMoverse (o-ue)
Poor thingPobrecito -a
What a shame!¡Qué lástima!
To feelSentirse (e-ie)