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level: Control and communication

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Control and communication

what does the nervous system consist of?central nervous system: brain and spinal cord
name the three main parts of the brainthe cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla
name each part of the brain from this diagramA - Cerebrum B - Cerebellum C - Medulla
what is the function of the cerebrumresponsible for conscious thoughts, reasoning, memory and emotions
what is the function of the cerebellumcontrols balance and coordinated movement
what is the function of the medullacontrols heart rate and breathing rate
what are the three types of neurons?sensory neuron, inter neuron, motor neuron
what is the function of the sensory neurontransmits an electrical impulse from receptors in sensory organs to the inter neuron in the CNS
what is the function of the inter neuronoperates wihtin the CNS, which processes information from senses that require a response transmits an electrical impulse thrugh the cns from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron
what is the function of the motor neurontransmits an electrical impulse from the cns to the effectors to enable a response to occur at an effector (muslcle or gland)
what do receptors detectstimuli
what do electrical impulses have to cross to transfer messages between nueronselectrical impulses carry messages along neurons and chemicals transfer these messages between neurons, at synapses
what is the function of reflexesto protect the body from harm
what is a reflex actiona rapid, automatic, involuntary response to a stimulus
is the brain involved in reflex actionno
name examples of reflex actionsknee jerk reflex blinking iris reflex response to pain/ limb withdrawal
describe the reflex arc of limb withdrawal due to heatheat receptors in the skin are stimulated by heat from cooker electrical impulse is sent up the sensory neuron to the spinal cord onece in spinal cord, elctrical impulse crosses synapse to the inter neuron, where it is processes electrical impulse crosses another synapse to a motor neuron electrical impulse travels down the motro neuron to the muscle, effector muscle in the arm contracts to carry ou the rapid automatic involunary response of moving the arm away from the heat
describe the arc of a hearing a fly buzz and swatting it awaya stimulus, buzzing fly is detected by receptors in the ear receptors send electrical impulse along sensory neuron to inter neuron in the cns. the inter neuron in the cns processes this information and sens and electrical impulse to and along a motor neuron electrical impulse is sent from motor neuron to muscle, effector, and the response is the swat the fly away
swatting a fly away is an example ofvoluntary response to a stimulus involves conscious thought
what is a synapse?a gap between the end of one neuron and the next neuron chemicals called neurotransmitters transfer messages between neurons at synapses
what is the function of endocrine glandrelease hormones into the bloodstream
what are hormoneschemical messengers
what type of cell do target tissues havecells with complementary receptor proteins for specific hormones, so only that tissue will be affected by these hormones
what is insulina hormone produced by pancreas which triggers glucose conversion into glycogen
what is glucagona hormone produced by the pancreas which triggers glycogen conversion into glucose
what is glycogenstored carbohydrates
what is the function of the pancreas?it is the organ that produces digestive enzymes and the hormones glucagon and insulin
what is the liver?the large organ involved in blood glucose controls
what organ detects glucose in the bloodpancreas
Describe what happens when blood glucose levels in the body are too highcells in the pancreas detect the level of glucose in the blood. If blood levels are higher than normal the pancreas will produce the hormone insulin. Insulin will convert excess glucose into glycogen and store it in the liver. This reduces the level of glucose in the blood.
Describe what happens when blood glucose levels in the body are too lowCells in the pancreas detect the level of glucose in the blood. If glucose levels are lower than normal, the pancreas will produce the hormone glucagon. Glucagon will break down glycogen in the liver into glucose. This then helps to raise blood glucose levels.