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level: Legislation

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Legislation

Name 5 pieces of legislation that affect the workplace?Equality Act 2010 Health and SAfety at Work Act 1974 National Minimum Wage Act 1998 National Living WAge Regulations General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Describe the Equality Act 2010Designed to protect employees from discrimination in the workplace. It covers protected characteristics such as race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion.
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?A piece of legislation which places responsibilities upon the employee and the employer with regards to health and safety.
What must employers do under the Health and Safety at Work Act?Provide a workplace that is safe Provide adequate training and supervision Provide suitable equipment for dealing with dangerous materials
What must employees do under the Health and Safety at Work Act?Take care of themselves and other people they work with Comply with training and wear/use appropriate safety equipment
What is the National Minimum Wage Act 1998Right to receive the minimum wage per hour as set by the government
What is the National Living Wage Regulations?Right for workers over 23 years old to receive the government set living wage
What is GDPR?Protects the personal data of employees and outlines rules regarding its use
What are the rules regarding the use of GDPR?Data must be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose Data must be accurate and kept up to date Data must not be kept for longer than is necessary There must be a system in place to protect/safeguard the data held on employees