level: Passe para o inglês (mixed) 4
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Passe para o inglês (mixed) 4
Question | Answer |
Os filhotes eram felizes até a morte do dono. | The puppies were happy until the owner's death. |
A casa era bonita até a enchente atingir a cidade. | The house was beautiful until the flood hit the city. |
Eles não estavam com fome e não comeram nada. | They weren't hungry and didn't eat anything. |
Elas estavam cansadas mas terminaram a tarefa de casa. | They were tired but finished their homework. |
O bebê estava chorando e queria leite. | The baby was crying and wanted milk. |
Eu estava caminhando quando trombei com a árvore. | I was walking when I bumped into the tree. |
Estava chovendo e ventando muito. | It was raining and very windy. |
Os pássaros voaram e foram para o sul. | The birds flew and went south. |
Os papagaios estavam cantando mas pararam quando eu cheguei. | The parrots were singing but stopped when I arrived. |
As flores murcharam por causa do vento e do sol. | The flowers withered because of the wind and the sun. |