level: Level B
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level B
Question | Answer |
Je tady blízko banka? | Is there a bank near here? |
Ano. Jděte touto ulicí. Vpravo je supermarket. Jděte kolem supermarketu a zahněte první odbočkou doleva. | Yes. Go along this street. There's a supermarket on the right. Go past the supermarket and take the first turning on the left. |
Ano, a vpravo je banka. Je to na rohu vedle policejní stanice. | Yes, and there's a bank on the right. It's on the corner next to the police station. |
Myslím, že do banky půjdeme později. Jak se dostaneme na poštu, prosím? | I think we'll go to the bank later. How do we get to the post office, please? |
Dobře. Je to na druhé straně kanálu. | Oh, OK. It's on the other side of the canal. |
Odbočte vpravo na semaforu. | Turn right at the traffic lights. |
Jeďte po té silnici, dokud nepřijdete na kruhový objezd. | Go along that road till you come to a roundabout. |
Jděte rovně na kruhovém objezdu a přes most. | Go straight on at the roundabout and over a bridge. |
Pošta je vlevo. | The post office is on the left. |
To nemůžete minout. | You cann't miss it. |
Je mezi soudní budovou a radnicí - naproti vězení. | It is between the courthouse and the town hall - opposite to the prison. |
Jdou špatným směrem. | They are going in the wrong direction. |