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level: Level 1 of Chp 32

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chp 32

需求xūqiú need
需要xūyào need
xuǎn select
選舉xuănjŭ election
選擇xuǎnzé choose
學會xuéhuì learn
學問xuéwèn knowledge
尋找xúnzhăo Look for
訓練xùnliàn train
yā ah
鴨(子)yā(zi) Duck
押金yājīn deposit
yá tooth
牙齒yáchǐ teeth
煙火yānhuŏ fireworks
研究yánjiù Research
研究yánjiù Research
嚴重yánzhòng serious
yăn play
演出yănchū show
演講yănjiăng speech
演員yănyuán actor
眼光yănguāng vision
眼淚yănlèi tears
陽光yángguāng Sunlight
yăng keep
yàng Sample
樣樣yàngyàng everything
邀請yāoqĭng invite
要求yāoqiú Require
yăo bite
yào want
要不然yàobùrán otherwise
要不是yàobúshì if not
要緊yàojǐn important
野餐yěcān picnic
也好yěhăo yes
yè Page