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level: biology - year 7

Questions and Answers List

level questions: biology - year 7

what do you use to identify living organisms?you use MRSGREN
what does MRSGREN stand for?m - move r - reproduce s - senses (sensitivity) g - grow r - respire e - excretion n - nutrients
what is a tissue?a tissue is a wall of cells
what is an organ?an organ is large connection of tissues
what are the parts of an animal cell?the parts of an animal cell are the ribosome, the nucleus, the cytoplasm, the mitochondria, and the cell membrane
what are the parts of the plant cell?the parts of a plant cell are the nucleus, the cytoplasm, the cell membrane, the mitochondria, the vacuole, the chloroplast, and the cell wall
what is eukaryotic cell?eukaryotic cells are complex and include animal and plant cells
what are prokaryotic cells?prokaryotic cells are simple; single cells and include bacteria
what is the purpose of the nucleus?the nucleus controls the activity of the cell
what is the purpose of the mitochondria?the mitochondria is where respiration occurs and releases energy
what is the purpose of the chloroplast?the chloroplast absorbs light energy and changes it into food
what is the purpose of the ribosome?the ribosome synthesises proteins
what is the purpose of the cell wall?the cell wall supports the cell and helps keep its shape